Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

8o Of the J.(powledg of (jod the Father~ ~ ~ 3· So to forgive Sins, is proper to God alone, Mark._ 2. 7· And we find Chrifl to forgive Sins; and therefore he is argued to be God : But further, you have both in thefe very places quoted; ·as he is called that only True God, fo he is f.1id to be that God that blots out Tranfgreffions for,and by himfelf; Thus Ifa·43· 2 5· 1, even I am he that blotteth 0111 thy Tranjj,reJ!ionJ for mine own (af«, and will not remember thy SinJ. So then the Argument is every way firong; and indeed all Arguments center in one; and we find all in this one and the fame compafs of Scripture. r. That God is but one God. 2. That God alone creates; is to be worfbipped; and forgives Sins. 3· That his Glory he will not give unto another. 4· That Chrifi is that one God, who is God alone. And, 5· Thefe places are interpreted of him, and applied to him, by the Apoflles: So as indeed this one Argument, from thefe places of lfaiah thus framed, bath all in it, which are fcatteredly ufed by others out offeveral places. To conclude, to hear God fpeak, and faying, as Dwt. 32. 39· He doth, See now that 1, even I am he, and there iJ no God with me : I Ajll, and I makg alive ; I wormd, and I l ea/; neither iJ there a11y that can deliver mrt of my Hand. And to hear ']ohn from Gcd to f.1y, The Word waJ God, and the Word wa< with God. And to hear the Prophets fay, That Chrifi is that God who is God alone, and none elfe befides him : And to hear throughout the Scriptures, one that is God, talking to, of, and with another that is God, and yet all but one God; to hear the Father to be called the only True God, the Son likewife, and fo the' Spirit : Let all the Wits of Men, and 'Angels, reconcile it otherwife than thus if they can ; That God's Nature or E!fence is One, but affords Three Perfons, who are each that One God : Three that are One. CHAP~