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and hi.r Son !/ejus Chrifi. 81 "-..1\..rl Chap. S· -------------------~-----------------~ CHAP. V. That the Second 'Perfon of the Trinity affumed Hu.:. mane J\(ature into 'Perfonal Union '&Pith Himfelf~ and fo i.r (jod-Man in one Perfon for e-ver. I Come to the great My!1:ery of our Religion, which fo loud a Voice pro" claims to be (uch, by the Apoflle, 1Tim. 3.16. .And witho11t controverjj•; great i< the :klyjierl. of Godlinejf, God "'"".nw;ife/1 in the Flejh. God had manifefied himfelf m the Old Tefiament 10 hts Works; as m Rom. I. 19. That which may be lznown ofGod, is manifeft in them : And verf. 20. For the lnvi– jible Things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly flen, being •mderjlood by the Things that are made,even hts- Eternal P':"'er avd Godhead. ~ut God mamfelt in the f!e!h, is an higher kmd of Mamfefiauon, for there he IS prefent : We may fay of it, Here God is, a vilible God in his Perfon. In the Old Tefia– ment this was prophefied of, among other.£1mous Oracles foregomg, !fa. 7· 14. .A Virgin foal/, and be.r a Son, and fba/1 call hu Name lmmanue!; that is, God with m. And again, Chap. 9· 6. For 11nto 11s a Child is born, unto 11s a Son is given, which notes his Being God,. the Son ; who had been begotten long before by God the Fath~r, and now gtven, unto '".a Child is born, and born of a Virgin, there 1S hiS Humane Nature; .And his Name foal/ be called WONDERFVL; for his Perfon is a wonderful Per(on : The Mighty God, the Everla.fling Father, the 'Prince of Peace, compounded of God and Man in one Perfon; which fet all the World agafi at the knowledg of it. He did wonder– oujly; that is, he !hewed himfclf to be God, for he afcended into Heaven in a Flame, and therein !hewed himfelf more than a Man or Angel. As his Perfon was Wonderful, fo his Ail:ions; Wonderful in his Perfon, as God united to Man; and wonderful as Man, in his making immediately by the Holy Ghofi ; fuch a Man as never was. Says David, of his own Body, Pfal. 139. 14.-Thou telleji all my Members; I am fearjit!ly and wonderjit!ly made.--C11rio11jly wrought in the lowefl parts of the E.rth: The Phmfes do (peak fome curious piece of Work– man!hip to be undertaken in hand, by fame fpecial Artifi: And to hide his Workman!hip from the Vulgar, ( whi~h argues the noblenefs of it) he goes into a dark Place, and there be works 11 unbeheld of any, and then he brings it forth to open view. It was an Infiance Doil:or 'Prejion ufed to give, That in the Generation of a Child, between Father and Mother, the Father knows not what is a doing, nor the Mother knows not what is doing; but God !1:ands by, like a fecret Limner, and ail:uates the formation of every Member, according to tbe Idea thereof written in his Book. But in the Formation of Chrifi's Bo– dy and Soul, the Holy Gho!1: difcovered his Workman!hip in the dark place of the Virgin's Womb, called, the lower parts of the Earth. And to flop the flowings of Sin and Corruption, which by the Parents is done, himfelf performed the part of the Formative Virtue which is in the Seed of Men: whence it wao, that rhe Divine Nature, when he came into the World, (aid, .A Body haft tho~t prepa– •·ed me ; the word in the Original is, Kartartizein, that is, artimlated, made and (et in their due Place and Order. I !hall only add one place further, to fet forth the wonder of' the Myfiery; A' Dr. !ook– J er. 3r. 22. The Lord hatb created a New Thing in the Earth, a Woman foal/ CO!It· fo,ha,h{,.,~paf a Man. It is a Prophecy of the Conception of Chrifr at Nazareth, one of ~:/y;;,~;,::'" the Cities of Gali./ee, the place where the Angel brought news firfi to the Vir- ,,u,d, &,l;z,_ !'in? and where ilie conceived him : Of which, if I have time, more afterwards. ~;,~h~d ""– fhiS was a New Tbmg mdeed, a New Thmg created m the World; the like unto which, as alfo the crucifying of his Son, he never did afore, nor never M will