Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the l(!wwledg of qod the Father~ ~will do again. And the Ble!Ted Virgin bath a touch upon it, The Lord bath done BooK ll. GREAT THINGS for me, and Holy is his N ame. The word in the Original ~ is f"'}<l<1\El«, and is the fame word the Apo!lles ufed in Al1s 2. I 1. The wondE>jitl Gal. 3• Works of God. And thus Heaven and Earth met and kiffed one another, namely, God and Man. And this Union is the middle Union, ( as I call it ) as in refpeCl: to the two other, the Union of the Three Perfons in one Godhead, and our Union with God; (o in refpect to the thing it felf: For his Perton being a middle Per– Con between the two Perfons, the Father and the Holy Ohoft : He, the Son, as a middle Perfon, by his Union with the E!fence of God, takes hold of God on the one part; and further, by his Union with the Nature of Man, takes hold of Man on the other part, and fo takes hold of both at once ; all which was fuitable to his Office, as being Mediator, which the Apot:lle fays, is of two tbat areat mmity : and this you have I Tim. 2. 5· For there is one God, and one Me– diator between God and Mmt, the Mm Chrift ]ej111. And as the Perfon was thus wonderful,God manifejled in the Fief/;; (o the Signs and Wonders that accompanied and followed his Perfon, after his being gone to Heaven, and the coming of the Holy Ghofr, as Pa11l an Eye-wimefs tefii– fies, Heb. 2. 4· God alfo bearing them witnef, both with Signs affd Wonders, and with di,ers Miracles and Gifts of the Holy Ghoft, according to his own'Will : As al– fo the Apofile Peter, I Pet. r. I r.-The Spirit of Chrift tejlified before-hand the Suffirings of Chrift, and the Glory that foould foUow. The Times the Apolllcs lived in, were a glorious Seafon. The Apoflle 'Paul bath in brief fummed up the Characters of them, and annexed them to his [God manifijled in the Flejh] as the wonderful Effects thereof; as they follow in 1 Tin•. 3. r6. where it fol– lows, Jlljlified in the Spirit, by reafon of the frailty and meannefs of his Flefh wherein he appeared ; He wM fit at nought by Herod and his Men of Wa,., Luke 2 3· I 1. Mocked and fcourged by Pil•te and the Jews, and for his pre– tenGon to be the Son of God, ,,fr out of the World under the puhlick infamy of being the greatefr Impofror, the mofr detellable Villain and Deceiver that ever was in the World; The Rulers not !paring him, when he bung miferably upon the Crofs. He was efreemed of God, !fa. 53· when he was crucified, overwhelmed with all thefe Prejudices. But prefently, as he comes to Heaven, his Father owned him, fet his right Hand, and made his Enemies his Foot– frool ; and he was jufiified from that great Reproach cafr upon him, for making himfelf God. In refpeCl: unto the(e things, it is (aid, He wM jujlifed in the Spi– rit; that is, in his Godhead, being owned as God. Was not this a Wonder, a mighty Wonder ! [ Seen of A"gels ]. And by their feeing him to be the Son, ( which none of them were ) as foon as he comes to Heaven, they all fall down and wortbip him : When he bringeth his firjl begotten into the World, he foitb, Let a/1 the Angels of God worf/!ip him, when he came firft to Heaven: ( And the bad Angels, they believed and trembled, though Men did not; and they befought him, not to torment them before the time, the Day ofJudgment.) It follows, [ Preached unto theGentiles, and believed 011 it1 the World ]. The Gen– tiles that had continued Idolaters two thoufand Years, wortbipping Devils, by whorn they. were led; and the Apo(l]es but by preaching the Gofpel, ( which was but wb1fpered, and yet runs through all the World ; it ran like upon dried Trees); They t11rned the World rtpjide down, Afr. '7· 6. [ Tal;pl rtp into Glory J and owned there in the . highefr manner by Cod. Whereas, John t6. IQ. the contrary Speech there ufed inGnuates, that he died, as call out by God for the mofl unrighteous Perfon that ever Jived in the World: Chrifl foretells, that by the Spirit's coming with the Word, he tbould convince the World, that he was a Righteous Man, and had fatisficd for Sin; Of 'JJ..igb– teoufoefi, hecaJtje I go to my Fdther, and ;e foe me 110 more. And what is the Reafon of all this? But becaufe this Man be)ng taken up into Glory, there is no Eye of Men or Angels that !ball fee him in this Glory, but muft fall down and acknowledg, That Man there is God, the Son of God; and fo ]ohn tells us himfdf: And the other Apoflles that faw a glymps of his Glory, do confers, We fow his Glory, M of the only begotten Son of God, John r. I4. And if the Clothes he wore, whtch were but the outward Appendixes of his Perfon, d1d yet