Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

andMSon !fefus Chri(l. yet fhine fo bright, as no Fuller on Earth could white them : How much more ~ his Humane Nature it felf, in which the fulnefs of the Godhead perfonally Chap. 5· dwells, !hall tranfcendently fhine much more, as being a part of himfelf, as he ~ is able to make us to do; Phi!. 3· 21. Who fbaU cha11ge onr vile Body, that it may be fafhioned /il{f unto his !florioiH Body ; much more !hall he change Soul and Body into the Image of htmfelf. But I !hall comprize, all that I intend to difcourfe of this SubjeCl:, in this one Affertion. That this Perfon, the Eternal Son of God, who was, and is God, took unto himfelf, into an unity of Perfon with himfelf, the Man Jefus ; or. that the Per– fan of {hrift is God and Man, joined into one Perfon. To demonfrrate the Affertion ; the Pun&11nt of which lies in this, That in our Chrifr, God and Man are become one Perfon. J. What is faid of his.Conception, or Incarnation, in that fore·cited place; [ 11 /,p r. 39· That Holy Thing that _JhaU be born of thee, jbaU be caUed the Son of God; which isexplamed b>: that m Gal. 4· 4· ,God font forth his Son, (his Son that was fent, and God, extfled afore); and twas He, the Son, that fo exifled; that is, the Perfon ; and be now faid to b~ made of a Woman, the Virgin. Oblerve, 'tisfpoken of, and attnbuted to, thts Son, that he was now made of a Woman, made Man ; who was begotten of God afore, and now lent into, yea made, Flefh: AndthatthisSon, and that Manmad~ofa Woman, are yet but one Son frill, not two Sons : And therefore allo one Perfon ; for if they had been two Perfons, they had been two Sons; the Son of God the one, and that Holy Thing born of the Woman, another : Whereas being now joined unto one Perfon, there is but one Son to God, as he is there denominated. 2. Evidence : Go we from his Conception, to the confrant courfe and te– nour of his Speech about himfelf; That this Man (when grown up) lbould continually talk of himfelf, and attribute fuch Things to himfelf, that were proper, and belonged only to that Perfon, the Word, the only begotten Son of God ; as we have proved, and defcribed him, exifred before the World; that was the Son of God in Heaven, and very God ; That this Man, this forry Man to fee to, fhould talk at that rate as he doth, and frill fay [I J not [We], whilfr he fo fpeaks of himfelf; all the Wits in the World cannot falve this Rid– dle, (if the feveral Speeches be collel.l:ed, and narrowly obferved, in the Gofpel of ]olm, and elfewhere) but by this, which I ufe to fay falves all, He was taken into one Perfon with him that was the Son of God. For Inftance, befides many others; John 5· 17. My Father hitherto work,pth, and I work._: Which the Jew' underfrood, that he made himfelfequal with God verf 18. But how a Man fhould be God, this they underflood not. And h~ goes on to jufrify it, and afiume it; extending that Speech ofbis (namely, that My F•ther worl{fth hitherto, and I work._) unto all things pafr, as well as prefent, or to come: even unto all that ever God dtd, verC 19. What things foever the Father doth, theje a!fodoth the Son fik,pwife: If he created the World, fo did I : If he bath governed all the Affairs of it, fo have I; My Hands have wielded the Sceptcr with him : And God did never any thing without my Advice, and Counfel : Shewing me whatever he doth, verj 20. Thus for time pafr. And fo for time to come ; As the Father raifeth •P the dead, and quiclz._neth them; fo the Son quiclz._neth whom he will, verf. 21. God's Will and Intention being, that all Men ~all one Day honoHr the Son, 11< they honour the Father, verf. 23. And yet he that talk'd all this, was a Man ; that came into the World (as a Man) but thir– ty Years afore: Yea, and he profeffeth ofhimfelf, Chap. 8. 57, 58. That he was afore .Abraham; '13efore Abraham w11<, I am : that is, my Perfon. And yet they judg'd him not above Fifty. All which I alledg not as formerly, to prove that Chrifl was God, orSon ofGod: But now, That the Man JefiH, (who it is that ·uttered all this;) that he was one Perfon with that Son ofGod, who is God. For when he fpeaksit, he frill maketh but one [I; ] of the Son of God, and himfd£ And fpeaks the fame things that are proper and peculiar to that Son of M 2 God,