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andM Soit !fejitr (hrift. And then if this Man were not one in Per!on with the~on ofGod, who was~ God· let u;all call him in Qg_eflion, and arraign him at the latter day,inflead of Chap. 5· his a:raigning us ; for laying low to himfelfall the Saints, and the whole Creati-. ~ on ofGod; when as himfelfas Man was but a part of1t: yea for ufurpmg upon the Prerogatives ofGod himlelf, and let his own Words judg him. I fay, let us cry out upon him as a Deceiver, ifthts Man had not that Dtvme Perfon, God's Son in him and therewith aDivine Nature, befides that of a bare Man, which Divinity lay hid and concealed in him, as a Prince under a di!guife; And that Per!on, and Divinity !o united to him, as to make one Perfon·wnh htm, this Man that fpake thus: Thirdly, We find thefe two Natures ofGod, and Man, fpoken of in him, as making up one [I] or one [fie;] when htmfelflpeaks ofhtmrelf, or hts Apo- ~cl~ • I begin with .JI1.,tthew 16. where he catechifeth his Difciples in this Funda– mentalofR.eligion; forverfi7, 18. he profeffeth to found his Church upon the Profeffion ofit. r. The Qtleflion ask'd, is evidently what his Per!on was, and of what made up? This, his !econdQIJeflion, verf 15. Whom do yefay that I am? cloth direaiy point to, for their puntl:ual Anlwer: What, or who is '"Y Per– fon? And, 2. concerning that, you may obfcrve, that he bounds it not, he ter– minates it not, upon his being a Man : The niain Queflion is not, whether he was a Man or no? or the Chrifl,the Son of Man? as ifthat were all: Butrny Qg_efli– on reacheth f:trthcr, Whom do ye lay that I, who am the Son of Man, Am? over and beyond my being a Son of Man; I am lomething bdldes. And yet, Son ofMan imported the Mejjiah: as Camero11 upon Job. 5· 27. .A11d hath given him .AIIthority to execllte ]lldgment ,,lfo, becallfl he if the Son ofMan. Out of Dan. 7·13. I beheld one lii<.Sthe Son ofMan. Which is the Pariphrafis of the Chrifr. 3· 'Peter, in his Anlwer for them all, affirms not barely that he,the Son of Man, was the Chrift; which was but a Name of Office: (As if you fhould fay ofa Man, he is the King, or he is the Chancellour; noting out an Official Per!on, or to denominate his Office only.) But he further adds, Tho11 art the Son of the Livi11gGod. 4· Obferve, that he in his Anlwer joins the[e two together, to make up the [1,] the Per[on ofthis Chrifl, The Son ofMan,and the Son ofthe Living God: and as fubflamially the Son of the Living God, as he was lubftantially the Son of Man. Yea, and manifeflly !hewing thatthemainof hisPerfon, (for the Sub– fiftence or Per[onality of it,) to confift in this, his being the Son of the Living God, more than in his being the Son of Man. The like you have joined in Chri(\'s Qg_eflion to the Pharifles; What think_ you of the Chrifl? David's Son, fay they; David's Lord, lays he: and both making up one Mefjiah, or the Chrifl. So then, the Perlon of Chrift was Son ofMan, and Son ofGod, Mat. I 6. And Son ofDavid, and Son ofone greater than David : for which he calls him Lord, and both in one Perfon, .J/1at. 22. Let us now bring other Scriptures to there. · I. You have the fame propbefied ofhim, at his Conception, by the An– gel, Luk. I. The Son ofDavid his Father, verf. 32. The Son of God, verf. 35; And both the fame He. Let us flill purfue this Notion, through the Scriptures, and from hence, go unto I. 2, 3, 4· Paul a Servant' of }ef~~< Chrifl, caUed to be an Apojlle, feparated 1mto the Gojpel ofGod, (Which he had promifld afore by hi< Prophets, in tf.e HofJ Scriptures) Concerning hi< Son ]ef!HChrifl 011r Lord, who wa< made ofthe Seed ofDavid, accordi?Jg to the F!ejb: And declared to be the So, ofGod wHh Power, according to the Spirit of Holinefl, by the Reforre{/ion from the dead, in which Words you have, I. As in the former, the Perlon of Chrifl : that is, who, and what he was in his Per[on, made the eminent, and primary SubjeCt of the Go– lpel: The Gojjel, ( lays he ) c011ceming his Son Jefo• Chrifl. And that ftt forth as the Prophets m the Holy Scriptures, or Writings of the Old Teflament had ftt him forth to us : fo as we Qlall have occafion from hence to call in the Teflimony oflome Prophets, unto the confirmation of this allo. l f.1y, the Perfon ofChrifl: is the primary lubjeCI: ofit: for the next following Words, in– lift on the Delcription thereo£ And [o whereas 'Paul was to [et forth in his enfuing