Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

86 Of the K.!Jo'Pvledg of (jod the Father, ~ luing Difcourle, how that Chri(l:'s Righteoulnefs is that R.ighteoufiJefs which BooK 11. God bath ordained for Sinners, ver( 16, 17. I am not afbanud of the Gol}el of I..4'V"'W Chrij/, for therein i< revealed the l?.ighteoufoefi ofGod, fron~ Fmth t? Fazth: At.itir writtm, T/.e.']•fo fbaU live by Faitb. It was lmtable for h1m.m th1s lo methodJcal, and lyf\emauca\.an Ep1file; m the firfr place to let out who, and what the PerlonofChrifr is. Which, · 2. He performs in the next Words, and that under the lame Terms,•or equi– valent, as in the two forme,r Chrifr himfelf had done. I, To be the Son of David, made of the Seed of David, verf. 3· And, 2. To be the Son of God, verf. 3· [Hi< Son J in the fame Verle. And fo in verf. 4- both making up 1h~ one Perlon, ']efm Chrift our Lord. Yea, and 3· He further, and more clearly proceeds to lliew, how there were two difrinct Narures met in that one Perfon; the Nature of a Man, according unto which he was the Son ofDavid: the Nature of God, or tbe God-head, according unto which, or in relpell of which, be was the Son of God: Who was made of the Seed of David, according to the Flefh, verf. 3· And declared to be ( alfo ) the Son of God lVitb Power, according to the Spirit of Holinefi. And as the Oppofition proves this, fo it is very obfervable, how exactly the Apoftle Set Beza. fpeaks in fo great a Myfrery. 1. The Oppofition clears it ; for w:r>X<nipXIX, A.-carding to the Flefb, is oppofed to y.a'Jlll 7rUtup.a, according to the Spirit of Holinejf. Now when he fays, He was of the ScedofDavid, according to the Flefh; he (as all acknowledg) means that according to, or in refpell of his Human Nature, termed the Flelli, or as Man : So here, was made ofthe Seed ofDavid, oppo– fitely, according to his God-head, termed the Spirit of Holinefs; as he was in refpell thereof, the natural Son ofGod : fo he was manifef\ed with Power [o to be, by the Relurreaion from the Dead. Now that Spirit, as in Chrifr, is taken for the God-head, or Divine Nature dwelling in him; is evident by multitude ofScriptures : The Flefh pro.fts nothing, the Spirit quick_neth : And by the Eternal Spirit he offered up himftlf, Heb. 7· And this God-head in him, is called the Spi– rito[Holme[t; byway ofthe ordinary Title given the third Perlon, who is called the Holy Spirit: This here, the Spirit of HoEnefs it !elf, which fantlified that Human Nature, as the Altar and Temple did ti)e Sacrifice. Again, Obferve the Apofrle's exactnefs ofSpeech; as Son ofDavid he is laid to have been tllade, for begotten ofMan he was not, yet made of a Woman, David's Daughter, ofthe fame Matter that all Men are formed of: But as Son of God, he fays not ofhim that he was made; but he here fuppoleth him already, before he was made Man, to have been the Son ofGod, verf.-3- And therefore, lays only he was declared; namely to us, or manifefrly evidenced to have been the Son ofGod, according to a Divine Nature in him, in which he e.xifred be– fore. And for proof of it, be holds forth the greatefr Evidence, the Power lliewn by him, in his Refurrdl:ion from the bead : In that Chrifr did afore– hand profefs, and declare that he would raife himCelfup, by his own Power, Job. 10. 18. The fourth thing I oblerve, is; That thefe two Natures remain in themlelves difrinc:t in him, and yet both make up one Perfon. I. Two Natures difiinCl. Th~ Apofrle cloth profeffedly di!lingui{b, as any Schoolman ufeth to do; Accord– ing to the Flejb, fays he, and acco~ding to the Spirit: Yea, he denies concerning ~lm,that he IS Son ofGod accordmg to the F!e{b; according to which Nature he IS confidered only as the Son ofDavid: but Son of God only in refpell of his Divine Nature. And, 2. He fpeaks of him as one Perlon, that bath both thele, and confilled of both; or elle this difrinllion needed not have been uled : Ifhe had been either nothing but a Man, or if the fame Perlon had not been both Aa 1 , 7, God and. Man. A~ when you difringui{b ofa Man, that quoad Animam, accor· Heb, 12. dmg to Ins Soul he IS the Off.lprmg ofGod; for God is the Father of Spirits: but quoad Corpm, according to his Body he is b~gotten by Man, who are the Fa· thcrs of our Bodies: To C1y a Man is Mortal quoad Corpm, but Immortal q11oad Ani"'""': Such a difrinction were needlefs, ifa Man had not both a Body, and a Soul: Or 1fthat Body, and Soul, made not up one manner ofPerlon: Or ifthe Soul were one Perlon, ~s an Angel is, and the Body another. Now