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and hu Son feftts Cbrifl. Now the Perfon of ChriCr is llill every-where fpoken of, but as One: One ~ Lord 1 Cor.6. And yet ofthis the ApofHe Pa11l is found to dillingiufh, that he Chap. 5· is So~ of God, according to the Spirit; Son ofDavid, according ro the Flefh: ~ And you have it again ufed by 'Peter, .AC11 2. 30. David k.nowing that of the Fr11it ofhit Loim, according to ti-e Flejh, God w01dd raife 11p Chrifl: That Addition [According to the Flejb J needed not, tfChnfr had not confifred ofanother Nature befides. Which being difrinCl:, the Onenefs, the Umty of this Chrifr, to whom both are alike attributed, mufr be found in the Perfonality : That he that bath both thefe, is one Perlon. Now from hence, go unto Rom. 9· 5· Where you have the lame diflinCl:ion again uled, a' i"n manifefl Oppofiti9n to his Divine Nature; Whofc are the Fa– theYJ, and ofwhom aJ concerning the Flejh, Chrijl: came; who is over aU, God blejfed for ever. Amen. According to the Fle!b, he was ofDavid, and the refr of the Fathers ; but befides, he had another Nature, which made him Lord over •If; God hleffedfor ever. Which clearly interprets, Rom.q. Son ofGod, according to the Spirit of Holinefs: That as he was God's Son, fo he was God. Or as Rom.r. Son of God, according to his God-head ; even as Son of David according to the Flefh: Yet both making but one Atho, or Perfon, one Chrifr. Now, 4· Becaufc 'PaHI, in that Rom. I. 2. averred the Prophets for this com– pofition of his Perlon, Son ofDavid, according ro the Fle!h ; Son of God, ac– cOL·ding to, or in refpeCl: ofhis God-head. Let us fee ifwe find like, and fimilar place• ro thefe in the Prophets; not to name all that prove him to be God, and M'"': but fuch as are punctually correfpondent to thefe. Jer. 23. 5, 6. I. Son ofDdvid, verC 5· Behold, the Dap come that I will raife tmto David a righteo1H Branch: that is, out of his Loins, a Branch out of that Stock, or Root, Who, 2. Shall be God, and Son of God : (as Rom. 9· 5· Rom, r. 3.) vcr[ 6. A11d this if hi< Name, whereby he fbaU be caUed; Jehovah o11r Rigl,teoltjiJCji. Jehovah, from the Name of his Efience, for it is the incommunicable Name of God ; and our R.ighteoufnefs, as being Mediator, and noting forth his Office. . And yet Jeho– vab our 'J?!ghteoHfoefi, uther than the Mall our R.ighteoufi1efs; for his being our Rtghteoufnefs, depends more upon his being }ehovah, than his being a Bra11ch of Da.,id; althougb upon both, as they are conjoined in one Perfon. From thence, let us go to Micah 5· 2. Where we !hall find, that as Chrifr bath two Natures met in him, Son ofDavid, Son ofGod; fo two Nativities fpoken of, and yet the Perfon but one. I. The R11ler jha/1 come forth of B<thlehem : He was born there as Man ; and you know it was the City ofDavid, whither MarJ, as bemg ofthe Seed ofDavid, came to be taxed. So then, frill Son of David, according to the Flefh,and born as fuch in the four thoufand Year ofthe World: But then, as Son ofGod, His goingJ fm·th have beenfrom of old, the Dap ofEter– lliiJ. .Unto this Head I alledg,as the conduding Proofto them foregone,that ~range Rtddle mHeb.7-3- applyed unto Chrtfl,let fotth from hts Type Melchifedec,With– oHt Fatber,without Mother,withOitt Defi·wt,having neither begin11ing ofDay,nor end of Life, hut made li~ unto tbe Son ofGod, abideth a Prieft continuallj. Which being fpoken of one and the fame Perfon, Chrifi, can no otherwife be unfolded than by a differing rtfpeCl: had to the two Natures God and Man, and accordingly of two Nativities. That he was God, and in that refpeCl: had a Father, the Evan– ge!tfr Johndoth in a fpecial manner inculcate; that he had a Mother, the Story ofhts Btrth, by the other three, cloth enform us : That he was born of a Virgin, n"tho11t a Father, thofe three Evange!ifrs do tell us. And yet that Pa11l here fhould tell us, he tPaJ witho11t a Mother, cloth neceffarily import another kind of Generation ofhis, wherein there was no Mother concurred, and fo another Divine Nature met in this one Perfon; in refpeCl: ofwhich he was as fubflantially begotten ofhim without a Mother, as that as Man he bad been conceived of the Subflance ofhis Mother, even Son ofthe Living God. There are other Carts of Proofs of this great Truth. As Fu·fr, The Communication, and Attribution of the fame Rights,' Privi– ledges, Attributes, ACtions, Paffions, Infirmities. t· All