Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

88 Of the l(,norvled_g of (jod the Father, ~ r, All the Rights of the Son of God by Inheritance, given to the Man 'Je· BooK II. f"'; as that, called, Son of God; not as the Angels, .Heb. r. Luk! r. 32. He ~ jba/1 be gre.t, and JbaU be caUed the Son of.the Htgheft : .And the Lord God ]ball give u11to him the Throne of his Father T::!avtd, to rule the Nauons; ratfe whom be will ; have poffeffion of all Power m Heaven and Earth ; to forgtve Sms as Man, Mat. 9· 6. .. . 2. The Attributes proper to God, are gtven to thiS Man : As, to have been in Heaven before the World was; John 3· I3· & John !7. G!orijj me with that Glory 1 had with thee, afore the World WM: J!efore Abrahamw.u? I am. Where– by what is not true of that Nature alone m 1t felf confidered, IS yet attnbuted to that Nature of a Man now: The natural Properties of Man's Nature in him, were never altered: for Finite cou)d neverbecome Infinite; therefore it mu(! neceffarily be fpoken in a perfonal :efpetl:, as being made ~ne Perfon with him that is God ; f<!!i, not .f0.a, that 1s, fpoken of h1m ":ho IS. Man, not of him as Man: As when what is proper only to the Soul,IS attnbuted to the whole Man · as if when Paul's Soul was wrapt up into the third Heaven, and his Body' remaining on Earth; that ~f his B~dy it fhould have ~een faid,. it is now in Heaven, becaufe the Soullt was umted to, was there : L1ke to whtch is that Chrifl: !hould call his Body in the Grave, God's Holy One; His Ho~ o'ne faw no Com1ption; which is fpoken of the whole Perfon, though it was his Body only was capable of Corruption : Or that of John, We faw and handled the Word of Life, I John r. r. And the Word which was from the beginning : And yet fpeaks thereof their handling his very Body, Feel, if a Spirit have Flefo and Bones, and putting their Fingers into it, fo to verify his having been come in the Fleili. On the other hand, e contra, That all the Infirmities of the Hu· mane Nature iliould be attributed to God, that God iliould be faid to be pierced and crucified; 2 Cor. I2. Ib. Therefore I tal<§ pleajiiYe in Infirmities, in Re– proaches, in Neceffities, in Perfecutions, in Diflreffes for Chrifl's fa~<§: for when I am weaft, the.,n am I jirong : compared with verJ8. I befought the Lord; which is applied to Chrift, John I9. 37· And again, another Scripture faith, They jhaU Iooft on him whom they have pierced. And God to lay down his Life, I John 3· r6. Hereby perceive we the Love of God, becaufe he laid down his Life for M ; and we onght to lay down 011r Lives for the Brethren, Thefe Contraditl:ions, all the Wits in the World cannot reconcile, but by acknowledging two Natures in one Perfon. 3· That the Obedience, yea, Blood-fhed of the Man, fhould be called, the 'Blood of God, the Life of God, I John 3· I6. There it is called the Life of God: And Ails 20. 26. The Blocd of God; yea, God's own Blood; and his aClive Obedience the Righteoufoefsof God, and 011r Savi011r 'Jef~n Chrifl, 2 Pet. 1. 1. And thefe things were fpoken, not becaufe God was the Efficient of thefe in him ; for fo the Spirit is of our Prayers, Rom. 8. yet they are never termed the Spirit's Prayers, or Requefis; though made by him in us, and for us, but our Prayers. But all that Obedience of Chrift, is called God's: Which diffc· rence can n~ver be falved, but that the Man Jefus was one Perfon with God; not fo we : Yea, if that Man had fin'd, ( if you could fuppofe it, as to bring an Argument from it to illufirate this); you may, by the fame Law, or Reafon, ~hat his Righteoufnefs IS now called theObedience of God, or, the Life of God, mfer that 1t mufi have been termed the Sm of God: For what the Man did in weaknefs, is attributed to God : But we are not in this perfonal manner united ~o the Spirit, that our Weakneffes _iliould ~e attributed to him. We fin, yet twere Blafphemy to fay that our Sms are h1s; and all becaufe he is not one Perfon with us, though his Perfon is united to our Perfons. Neither, ?· when tha~ Blood(bed is_call~d the Blood of God, yea, his own Blood ; thts IS not fpoken m refpea to h1s bemg Poffeffor and Owner of it, as P[al. 50. God is of all the Creatures, The 'Beafls on a thoufand Hilts are mine. John I. He came, Eis -nX ;·~~, to his Own. And fo the Blood of Bulls, and . Goats, were God's, when fncrificed. But _this is not only faid to be his Blood, but his ow11 Bloud, .and his own Life: Thefe are Phrafes never fpoken of Poffeffion, or of an Owner by Dominion or External Right : We call indeed other things, as Goods, a Man's own, but never call it a Man's own Blood, unle!S it be natural· ly