Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and M Son !fefus [hrifi. Jy or perfonally his own: We fay not of a Slave's ~ody, this is t~e Body_of~ his Mafiers his own Body, becaufe the Phrale, a ~an sown Body, m propne- ~ ty of Spee~h, is uled anmher way for the Body of a Man's [elf as of a Perfon. Or if he give a Slave's Ltfe, or Body, for a Ran\om, we never fay, nor cat) fay in propriety of Speech, that the Mafier gave hts own Body, hts own Blood, as a R.anfom : The Phrafe Co properly notes out perfonal propriety ; that is,ofa Perfon, unto what is a part of ones Perfon, and that the_ Blood is that Perfon's whofe own it is called. Yea, though a Father gave a Cbtld to Death, who yet is his Flefh and Blood, yet we hardly lay he gave his own Blood ; and yet if that might be [aid, becaule the Came blood is naturally the Fathers: Yet ofGod, the Father, it could not be laid, becaufe Chrifi's Blood, as a Man, did not flow out of his Father's Blood ; for God begets not him as a Man; nor bath he Flefh and Blood to communicate : So that it neceifarily notes out, that one that was God, a Perfon taking up that Man into one Perfon with himfelf; that Man's Blood is therefore called God's own Blood, becau[e the Man's, who is one PerCon with him. Neither, 3· is it laid to be God's own Blood, becaule fhed by God's Will and Appointment; for fo the Blood of every Man, that is killed by God's Will, lhould be fo called ; and Co the Blood of Bulls was God's own Blood in that refpefr. Vfe. We rtmfi labour to have our Minds and Faith well ellablilh'd in the true knowledg of the Perfon of Chrifi, fince it is a Truth of lo great moment unto us, and the MiR:hiefs of erring about it, will be deflruttive to our Souls. And the weight Or importance, that our Faith be fet and kept right in this Point, appears, in that Errors and Mifiakes herein, as they have been frequent, fo fatal in all Ages, and to all forts of Men that have had the knowledg or hear– fay of our Chrifi. r. To the jewt, Chrifl w.u a Stmitbtiffg-bloclz, I Cor. r. 2 3· both irt what his Perfon lhould be, as appears ']ohn IO. 33· and in other places; as allo that his Righteoufnefs alone, through Faith, lhould be the RighteoufneCs of a Sinner, is in like manner laid to be a fiumbling-block, Rom. 9· 11ft. Their Heads were mightily then taken up, and bufied, who that Man Jefus fhould be; and how many variom Opinions did the Devils buz into their Minds, to divert them from that which was the Truth, and alone was to f.we them. Some foid he '""" John the rsaptijl, fome Elias, others Jeremias, or om of the Trophett. And thus it is now at this Day. The Jews, according to the Principles and Phancies of that Age, had thole forememioned feveral Opinions of him, and perhaps many more. And in this Age, according to other Principles which Satan poifeffeth Men's Brains withal, feveral Opinions are railed up, what this Chrifi ll10uld be, whilfi all are zealous to profeCs him. Then again Chrifi himfelf foretold it, as a fore-running Sign of the defiru– frion of Jerufalem; That the Jews having rejefred him the True Chrift, they lhould be given up to many, q>octvof-Vivoc, falfe Chrijit. Now thole Days, and the Occurrences thereof, afore Jernfolem's defirufrion, are made Types of the like to fall out ( even in this particular Point ) in the Days preceding the end of the World, (whereof Jem.folem's defiruchon was it ftlf a Type in Chrifi's In– tention in that Chapter): And accordingly thefe days now. Although Jefus at jerujalem is more generally acknowledged by almofi all that profeCs Chrifiianity, yet m alligning what and wherein his being Chrifi confifis ; herein Men have, and !hall run into as many feveral forts of Chrifis, as the Jews had done ; One fo;•i"g, Here uChrifl; another, There u Chrifl ; one, that this is Chrifi ; another, this. And fuch buddings and fproutings forth of fuch Errors, began in thofe firlt Times, whilfi Paul and other Apofiles were on Earth, amongfi thote that pre– tended to Chrifiian Profellion: Witnefs tho[e more than Hints in Ceveral Epillles, which Pmd plainly fiileth, the preaching "f another Chrifl, than what !Jim.felf affd the other ApojllCI had preached: What elfe meaneth that paffage, 2 Cor. I r. 2, 3, 4' For I am jealotn over you with agodly jeoloufle; for 1have ejjoufed you to one H.<J– baffd, tlsat !may prefent JOII m a chafte Virgin unto Clsrijl. B11t 1 fear left by any N mean11