Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and hi.r Son !fejus [hrift. 93 Life for them tbat Ji" not unto Deatb. There is a Si, unto Death; I do not fo; ~ th11t he jba/1 pray jiJr it. AU VnrighteoufoejJ is Si11, a>Jd there is a Sin >JOt U>Jto Chap. -G Death. And of all he judgeth them fuch, as, without Repentance, the Saints t..fV fhould have no communion with, Epijl. 2. verf. 9, 10, 1 I. Wh"foever tra>~}greffith, ,md abideth not irz tbe Doi1rine of Chrifl, hath not God: he that abideth in tbe Dol1rine of Chrifl, he bath both the Father and the Son. lf there come a11y unto you, and bring not thil Dotlrinc, receive him not into your Horrfe, neither bid him God-j}eed: for he that biddeth him God-JPeed, is partak!r of his evil Deeds. Of this Confequcncc is true Faith in this Doctrine.. . Now, as it was then, fo tt ts now. Thofe T1mes, and the Occurrences whtch then fell out (foretold by Chrirt) among Jews and Chriftians afore Jemfolem's Deftruction, being Types of what fhould now fall out in the !art Days afore the end of the World: and we have yet but the buddings of what perhaps will grow up to greater Ripenefs and Spreadings, as then they allo did. Multitudes of thofc that are Orthodox in their Opinions, or fpeculative Judg– ments about the Perlon of Chrirt, yet perifb, becaufe they .know .not, appre– hend not this true Chriff, as he is in himfelf really and fpiritually; 1hry /znov.; 11ot the Tmth as it is in Jejiu, as Ephef. 4· 20, 2 I. the Apoftle !peaks. And this bath and cloth fall out amongft all that live in the Church. But others begin to err about the very Notion of his Perfon, coining other Chriffs by dimi– niOJing from, or adding unto the Perfon of him, as they would reprefent him to us. And this is as eafy as 'tis dangerous, even as it was an eafie thing to make another Gofpel, and to entertain it, as in the.Galatia,'s Example appears, Gal. r. 6. I marvel tht1t ye are fo foon ret110ved frout'him that caUed yott into the Grace of Chrift, unto another Go.fPel. And in that forementioned, 2 Cor. I r. I 5· the ApoO:le fpeaksthe like of preaching another Chrift, confidering Men's apt– nefs to err herein; It i5 110 great thing ( fays he) though great in refpect of the moment of it, yet eafy and foon done. And that is the Apoftle's fcope in that Speech. And again, as (ome Churches then embraced another Gofpel, (as the GalatianJ) fo upon other Churches the Devil endeavoured to obtrude another Chrift. And he is loon (in the Doctrine about him) made another Chrift, either by taking away from him, or adding to him. 1. By taking away from him, as if you take away his Godhead, this alters the Perfon quite, as taking away the reafonable Soul from the Body of a Man, takes inftantly away the Man, and le>ves a brute Beart in his room. It turns him into the Carcafs of a Chrift, let him· be fet forth in words, never fo gor– geouOy or gloriouOy, the fubftance of his Perfon is ftoln away. Or elfe, ~. By adding to him: For if the joyning Works to Chrift's Righteoufncfs, in matter of Juftification, made another Gofpel, as the Epiftle to the Galatians fhews ; Then furely adding the Perfons of all the Saints to the individual one Lord, one Husband, Chrifl, and that they all fhould be Chrift a well as he, equal with him, their Union with God the fame that he is, this is to un-Chrifl: him. The