Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Knowledg of G 0 D the Father, And his Son JE S U S C H R I S T. B 0 0 K. Ill. Of the Glories, and Royalties, that belong unto Jefus Chrifl:, con· fidered as God-Man in one Perlon ; (befides what accrued to hirri from his ~erformance of the Work ofour Redemption:)and which were appointed for him, by his Father,from all Eternity. The ap– parent Manifefl:ation of the Divine Attributes in the Perlon of Jelus Chrifl: God-Man. The Defignation of him in God's fi.rfl: Decrees, as the End for whom all the Creatures were made. The part that he bore as God-Man in 'the Creation, as by him all Things were Created. The Appointment of him by God, to be one Lord over all, under him one God: and to be in a more fpe– cial re[peel: the Head of the Elect, on whom rhey were to hold the Tenure of all the Bleffings bellowed on them, above the Dues of Creation. 1 Cor. 8. 6. One LordJefiu ["rift, by whom are all things, and we by him. C H A P. I. ~-Preface giving, afhort Scheme, or 'Draught of the enfuing 'Difcourfe. An cxpo(ition 'r;f Col. I. from ver( 15. to 19. all that is fpok§n there of Chrijl; mufi be afcribed to him, as tjod-Man. E have had the Perfon of our Lord fet out unto us, What, and who he i<. This Text in more general Words, leads us next unt? the Confideration ofthe Glory and Royalnes of this great Perfon ; who as God-M~~ in one Perfon, is S~vereign Lord over aJI: And aifo, who bath I. AnUmverfal Influence and Efficacy intd all Things; ThroMgh wbwt are aUThing1, 2. Spe– Cially 95 "-A...ff Chap. r. l.fV'U