Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the I(nowledg, of yod the Father, ~ cially into the Salvation of the Elect, And we by him. Neither cloth the Text BooK Ill. attribute thefe to him, as he is fingly that [econd Perfon, the So1t of God: But ~ as he is con!lituted Lord by his Father. And therefore neceffarily as conlidered the Son ofGod, perfonally united to that Man Jefus; as bath been fet out. And ofhim thus conlidered, I delire, may be underO:ood all that follows,as that which is the proper Subject thereo£ It hath been no Cmall Diminution of Jefus ChriO: (as he is God-Man); That Men's Minds having been intent upon him as a Redeemer from Sin, and Wrath; (they being Sinners, the Confideration and Burthen ofthat bath lain nearefl: them, and prefl: upon their Spirits,) and that having once given them Eafe, they have in a manner only given him the Glory thereo£ Whereas there is in other re– fpects as greataRevenueofGlory, from many other Contributions, due to him; even from whatever God himfelf can be fuppofed to challenge Glory from. The Subject ofthefe following Sections, is, the Glory of his Perfon, and the Relation thereof, limply confidered and abO:racted from the work of redeeming us Men fi·om Sins and Wrath. Ere I come to the Particulars, I !hall in this firfl: Chapter, which is an Intro– duction to the refl, do two Things. • Fir!!, Give the Sum, and Schemeofthe Particulars, that thus !hew forth the Glory ofhis Perfon. Secondly, Single out one eminent and comprehenfive Scripture, viz. Col.I.I 5· which gives a general Bottom unto all the Heads of that Scheme or Draught. Firfl, The Series of the Heads themfelves. The FirO: Head is, The Native Perfonal Gloriu, which attend, and are due to that Human Na– ture united Perfonally to the Son ofGod; befides thofe that arife to him as a Redeemer. ·Which are oftwo forts. Firfl, Inherent in him, confiflingoffuch Attributes, as accompany the Union ofthat Human Nature to God's Son, and do make up an Image of the God-head in him ; be/ides his being the Effential Image of God as fecond Perfon : Sucb,as is to be found in no meer Creature. The Second are incommunicable Royalties, Adherent, or appertaining to him; and yet no lefs due to him than theother. As, 1. That he as Man, or rather as God-man, !hould have in the Decrees, and Purpofes ofthe moO: High, the jufl: Honour to be the eldefl, or Firlt-born there– in, in Priority of Order, before all other Men, or Angels, that were to be meer Creatures. 2. In thole Decrees to be made. the End, or final Caufe of all other things, and this allo as his due; That all other things that were to be created,!hould be fo difpoG.d of, and contrived in God's Eternal Counfel, as might tend to his Glory, even as well as to the Fathers. Unto thefe two, I add that which is the Refult ofboth, efpecially ofthe firfl:. 3· That by this defigned Union of the Son ofGod to our Nature, and in the Perfon of the Son fo united, and that limply and abilraa!y confidered; God bath, and doth make the highefl: Manifeflation, and Communication ofhirnfelf, fi:ch as by no created Ways or Means could ever have been attained; (which is the R<fult of his being the Image ofthe Invifible God.) And this Manifeilation (we now !peak of) is, ,both that which is made unto the Elel1, ;, him, and bj hinz, and for hit SaP.!;; as alfo that one which is tranfcendently made in, and unto that Human Nature himfelf, who is one of us, Flejbofour Flefo, &c. So as by this Perfonal Union with the Man Jefus, God bath attained his chiefefl, high· <11, and mofl fubflantial Ends, which by all or any means elfe could not have been fo attained. The