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and hi& Son !fefus Chri(l. 97 ~-.. The [econd Head proceeds on [uch Glories, as arc Relative unto the Workt, and Chap. r. Cormjib of God, touching the Things that were to be 111ade, and brought forth ~ into being by him; and the depen~enc':' they alJ have upon h1s bemg God-Man. Wherein is fhewn, how that his Sons bemg made, and undertakmg to be made Man, he withal became; I, The bcgimting of the Creation ofGod: the Upholder ofthe whole Creation ip his Father's Purpofcs:• Yea, and VlrtualJy was the Creator, and Maker thereof, asfo confidered. 2. The Upholder, and Governour . ofthem, when thus created. And, 3· All other ofhis Works (beficles R.edemp- • tion) are committed to him. A third Head (which I fhall treat ofin anmher Dilcourfe, viz. of Chritl: the Mediator;) is more fpecial, namely, his glonous EfficaciOu[nefs, to the accom– phfhmenr ·ofthe Blefiednefs, and Salvation ofGod's Elect, bmh Men and Angels, out of the common Lump, and Mafs of the whole Creation. Which contains in it, r. His being an Head of Union to Angels and Men, but more efpecially ofus, Elect-Men unto God, to raife them up as Creatures unto a Supernatural Union with God, above their Law of Creation. 2. Unto us Men, yet more efpecially in his being a R.edecmer, over and above his being an Head unto us, to deliver us from Sin, and the Cur[c, by his (him– felf) being made both for us. TheGoroniJ, or top-Stone let upon this Pillar and Column ofGlory, which is thus erected, and is a building unto our Lord Chrifl:, is comprehenfively con– tained in, Eph. r. 10. That in the DiJPenfationofthefu!nefofTime, he might gather together 9ll things in Chri.ft, /Joth whicb are i1t Heaven, and which are on Earth, even in him. And it is the whole and full Birth, the All ofGod's everlafling Purpofes and Decrees, and fo the whole of whatfoever fhall be accomplillicd, touching the Perfon ofChrifl:, the Salvation ofthe Elect both Angels, and Men; and the Re!litution of all the whole Creation by Chritl:. As, L That God's utmofl Defign, was to unite a [elect Company of his Creatures to h1m, to be one with himfel£ 2. That to that end, he in his Decrees contrived it fo, that the Per[on bf Chrifl fhould confifl:, and be made up of all things, all forts ofthings in Heaven, and Earth: and fo made a meet Medium offuch an Union. 3· That he hatlimade up that Body, or Company ofhis Elect that were to be thus united to himfelfby Chrill, in a correfpondent Anti-poflure to that of his j)erfon, made upout ofallthings in Heaven and E,rrth; and confifl:ing (take the whole lump of them amongfl them) ofall forts ofthings, that are to be found in either, both among Angels, or Men : even A Special all things, out of all the Gencr.l all things. 4· That he bath made his Son an Head ofUnion, which is common both to Angels, and Men; and,over and above 1 a Redeemer, or Mediaror of R.edempti– on ofus Men: So gathering them all into one aJicond Time in him. 5· That the whole Creation (but tbofe in Hell, which are exempted out of that Catalogue,) have by an overflow,a Participation (take them in their Capa– cny).ofthiS great Union,and are reflored to a glorious Liberty therewith. Even fo belt; 0 bldfed, and thrice glorious Lord Jefus, to whom be Glory for ever. Amen. I now at length mull: quit the Conduct ofthis Scripture, which I have hitherto, a\1 along,. taken for my Guide, and bottom: namely, 1 Cor. 8.6. And it having thus happily led me to that General, which bath thefe particulars in the Womb thereof; I (hall take my leave of it, and betake my felfunto another Scripture, as adequate to thiS, and which is its next Defign and Model ; letting forth the Heads fore-menttoned, almofl in the fame Order and Method I have propofed them in. This Scripture, I fhall in this Section firft fuit in the whole ofit, to the Particulars of this Draught. 0 Col.