Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and bif Son .fejus [brifi. 99 2. There are made extrinfecal R.oya!ties, incommunicable to any meer Crca- ·""--''-""' ture, and infinitely tranfcending all their Priviledges: Whereof the Text infran- Chop. I. ceth in two. r. That He is the f>fl begottw ofeVfiJ CreatJtrc, veri. I 3· And vcrf. ~ 17. That He is before a// Things. 2. The End or final Caufc for whom, and whofe Glory they were all made; for thiS, verf.16.. All thmgs >vere crCdlcdfor hn;;, That as he is the ji'rft·bcgotten ofez•CIJ CrC<Ztllre, that 1s, the ddefr, before all the refr, and by Inheritance their Lord and Kmg, and the foie Heir of Heaven and Earth ; and fo a King over them, with fuch a preemmency of Title and P rerogative, os all other Kings do want : for they are neither the Makers oftheir Sub· jects, nor are their Subjects made for them. But he IS fuch a Kmg, as IS the Ma- 1, ker ofall thefe his Subjects, yea their Vpholder, by whom ,zfl conjtJI: And therefore by a jufr R.ight their final Caufe and End, ·All things wereTreated by him, and frr him. 2 . Head. The Vniverfol ln.fi11ence he hath into all God's Wor~s. r. As Creator ofthem. 2. As Upholder, veri. 16, 17. For by hm were ,z/1 thingscre.ted that are in Heaven, and th,,tare i11 Etzrth, vijible, a11d invijible, whether tbey be Thronu, oY. Dominions, or 'Principalities, or JJorverJ : all things JVere created by hi!Jt, and for hzm. And he is before ,,//things, and by him ail things co'cfi)l. And thefe Glories or Excellenciesof his, That all were created by him and for him, are amplified and illuflratcd by the Apofrle's particular fpecif~ing,the Prime; the Cbief, the upper Rank.., ofboth Worlds, Heaven and Earth ; m Heaven are [Thrones and Dominions J that is, Angels, and Arch-Angels, the Nobles of that higher Houfe; then in Earth, Principalities and Powers, Kings and R.ulers,whom you fo much adore. All thefe were made in him, by hi111, and for hint: and;,. him they all conjift• . The third Head. That he is the Head ofhis Chnrch, that precious Body,ofan tleCl: and chofen Generation, by God, out ofall the refr; J Pet. 2. 5· Ye alfo as lively Stones, are built 11p a fpi,·itual Houfe; an holy Prieftbood, to ojfir 11p fpirit11al Sacrifices, acceptable to God by]cfM Chrijl. Veri. 9· B11t;e are a chojin Generation, a Royal Prie)lbood, an holy Nation, a pernliar People; that ;e Jbould )hew firth the Praifes of bim, who hath called JOU o11t ofDark,_nefs into his marvcllo111 Light. And the Fiji-FmitsoftheCreation, 'jam.I.r8. Andthusverf.r8. ofCol.r. He is the Head'ofthe Body,the Chtrch: And that in two refpects, 1.0f their Union to God, which was God's Primitive Defign towardsthem, intended in thofe Words [who is theBeginning.] That is, the firfr Foundation of their Union with God : and hereon the firfr Corner-Stone oftheir Happinefs was laid. And 2. Of their Rc– frauration fi·om out ofSin and Death, to bring them into that fir([ ddigned Hap– pinefs, which is the great intendment of that Union, and this in thofC Worcls 3 [The Firft-born from the D ead.] Which is added, becaufe at, and upon the Hc– fmrectionof him, and ofhis Members, of the Sons of Men, who were dead, and fallen into Sin, &c. Then begins the Demonfrration ofwhat as an Head he was ordained to be to all his Church, in the Glory that fhall follow. Then appears and raigns for ever, that relation ofhis being an Head ofUnion, in its fill! and· originally intended Splendor, and that Glory (by virtne thereof) which was 1 originally and primarily ordained by God, then takes place, and the full Eflicacv thereof not nil then. When Chrifl: arofe, then faid God ofhim, Tins D,zy h"ve I begotten thee, Mls Ij. 33· God hathf~tljilled the fame unto m their Childrw, in th<~t he hath raifed11p '}efos again; as it is alfo written in the fecond J)jdlnt, Tho11 art my Son, this Day have I begotten thee. Now, and not till now, thou appearefr and lookefr hke that Son ofmine, whom I rejoyced in from everlafring ; and now firfr thou ha(\ recovered that primitive Glory thou hadfl: in Decree and Repute with me, as God-Man, afore the World was; and which as the Firfr·born of every Creature, t)lOu wert arrayed with: AGlory only due to him, that was the only, and fubfrannally begotten Son ofGod. The like to this holds good of his Elect Members of Mankind, when fully recovered, and reflored from Death and the Grave~ by him.firfr as a R.edeemer, now rifen again, which Death is the la({ part oftherr Humrhatwn and Debafement for Sin. 0 And