Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

102 Of the 1\..nowledg of (jod the Father, ~ So alfo that Speech, verf.17. He i1 before nil thing,, ifmeant ofhis Subliftence ~-as Second Perion, by that Eternal Generatioh of his, it could not then be mad~ an ACl: of God's good Wili,.J2!ing it was natural, and due unto him. But now, mke all thefe fpoken of Chrift, as ordained to be God-Man, to have all thefe Fulneffes meet in a Human Nature, ordained to be affumed into Union with the Second Perfon: So indeed, all this.might indeed be the Objefr of God's Decree, and an Act, of his good Pleaftue, in this refpect, that it was in God's good Pleafure, whether to have decreed him or any thing elle, or no: And in Truth, it was the highell AB: of Grace and God's good Pleafure, that ever was befiowed on any Creature, to ordain that Man at all unto that Union. Yet flill, let all this be fo underfiood, that though thefe things be meant di– rectly of Chrifi, as God-Man, as the Son ofGod dwelling in an Human Nature; yet (o, as they are by Inference as great and firong Convictions as any other, That this Perfon, that is united to our Nature, is in his Perfon originally the e(\'ential Image: And therefore, fo the Image of God (as Cnlvin obferves this "Place holds him forth) as no Creature is. That fo, he is the Creator, End of all Things, or elfe he never had raifed up that Human Nature he a/fumed, umo thofe Royalties. Thus much, to !hewhow this Scripture is a ground for all thofe Heads and Particulars, whereof! gave you the Draught. r next, make entrance upon the Heads themfelves, to enlarge upon them. C M A P.