Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

-~· ------~~~~~~7,r~---------- and ht3 Son feft.tS Chrifl.. ~ Chap. 2. --~~--------------------------------------~ CHAP. I I. The perfonttl nati-ve (jlories and ~oyalties 'Which be– long to the Son of (jod, as dwelling in our :J\(_ature. Ho'W tbe Vi-vine rv{ttributes are Inherent, and fhine forth in that cf!\!fan fefus fo united to the Son of Cjod. In 'What fenfe He i& the Image of the ln-vifible God. How he is the lVifdom, and the Po'Wer of God. Hi& Humane :J\(ature does not po{– fefs thoj'e 'Perfections in that high degree. as they are ~ttributes in the Vi-vine :J\(_ature, and(o In– finite ; but he bath them in a nearer refemblance; than any mere Creature is capable of. In 'What re– fpects he al(o has Independency and So-vereignty. It is upon the Union of the Humane :J\(_ature 'With the Son of God, that it is in"Vejled with his !J,gh Pri-viledg. T. He \Vords of the Text cxploined in the former Chapter, which fets out the perfonal native Glories, and Excellencies, and Royalties, apper· taining to the Son ofGod,asdwelling in our Nature; and which efpe– cially !hew, how the Divine Attributes fuine forth in the Man Jefus Chrifl:, fo united to the Son of.God, and which I !hall in particular apply to that purpofe, are in the 15th, 16, 17th Verfes of Col. 2. Who is the Image of the [nvijihle God, the frft·born of every Creature. .AU Things were created bj him, and for him. And he is before aU Things. The firfl: Particular is founded on thofe words, The Image ofthe Invijible God. Which the Apofl:Jc fets, firfl:, as the greatell Excellency, and the Foundation, and the Key of Interpretation to all the refl: that follow. The refolution of which words, is into this Affertion, That in that Man JeftH Chrift, by virt11e of his Vnion with the Godhead, there is inherent a f~tlnefl of aU Divine Perfe[Jions, which mak.g "Pan Image of the .Jttrib11tu of the Godhead, in fo lrttnfcendent a way Of Excell-ency a12d Eminenc;, as is incompatible and incomnmni~ cable to any meer Creat1tre remaining foch. I. For the interpretation of the Apofl:le's Intent in thofe words; Th;re is a double Image of God in Chrifl: ; The one ejfential, as be is fecond Perfon ; the oth~r Manifejlative, as the Glory of God iliines in the Face or Pcrfon of Jefus Chnfl:, as Man; thusGroti11• on the words, and Pare11s in his Vindication of Calvin, who reckons up many Witneffes, as Ambrofe, Martyr, MelanOho11, Vr– jin, &c. for tt ( of which by and by ) ; And the fame difl:inCl:ion, to the fame purpofe, is acknowledged to be comprehended in hi• being called oMy@-', the Word, (as in the firlt Chapter of John'sGofpel) connotating both the effential Word of God, or Image to God himfelf, and alfo the mamfefl:attve Word, as reprefeming him to us as made Man. If I I