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106 Of the l(,norrled_g of (jod the Father, ~ called the Power of God (in the fore-cited place, I C<r. I. 24. ) and the Arm of BooK Ill. the Lord, !Gt. 53· r. And this is a kind of Omnipotency, that all that God ~ means to d·o, he fhould be the ln(hument o£ Both thefe lnllances we find to- . gether in one Scripture delivered, and unto the very fame fenfe and purpofe l have driven concerning them, ']ohn 5· 18. The Jews had quarrelled with Chrifl (he having (aid ve>f 17. My Father worf<sth hitherto, and I worlz) both for calling God his Father, in fo p~culiar a mann~r from otlJ,er Men, and alfo for that in that Speech, he fhould JOIIl htmfdf Co mCommtfllon With God m all his Works of Providence, to c,y, Ego & Pater me~~<, I and my Father; fo making himfelf equal with God, when-as he was a Man; that is, to have an equal and joint band in all together wltb God. Hereupor1 Chnll jullifies this Speech of his, and fhews bow, although he. were a Man, yet fuch a Man, as being one in Perfon with the Son of God, thiS was true of htm, without any difhonour at all unto God. F~rll, He acknowledgeth mdeed, that this prehe– minence his Father bath, that he is the firll Mover in all; The Son can do no– thing of himfelf, b11l what he Jeeth the Father do; ; ·et Jo, tH what-ever the Father doth, the Son doth alfo. For the Father loves the Son, and Jbeweth him all thing 1 that him{elf doth. Here we hove, r. That what-ever God cloth, or means to do, the Son bath a hand in it: . • 2. That the Son knows all that is done by his Father. Therefore it is both (aid, What he fees the Father do, and that the Father Jbeweth hint aU things that himfelf doth, John 5· 19, 20. Here is both the Omnifciency we fpeak of, and the Omnipotency, in the terms we fiated it, as refpetl:ing all God's Works, ad extra, even all that ever IS to be done. And this, 3· in an incommunicable way to any mere Creature; for fo the Jews that made the Objetl:ion, underfl:ood it. That he ( as they thought) be– ing but a mere Man, as others, fhould join himfelf with God in all his Works, and fo make himfelf in a fort equal to God. And this alfo is inferr'd from that which follows; That all this is gi.ven the Son of Man, That he might be honoured even ,u the Father nhonoured, John 3.· 23. And fo with fuch an honour as n; mere Creature is capable o£ And this, 4· in a fimilitudinary way, as the word ( of.<.oiGJ~) lif<swife, or in lif<s manner (verf 19.) alfo imports. And, 5· All this Chrifi (peaks of himfelf as Son of Man, though it be true of him too (and that in a more tranfcendent fenfe) as he is .God, a Second Perfon. And it is one of the greatell Keys to John's Gofpel, that multitudes of fi1ch Speeches are fpoken of him; both, firll, and originally, as he is God, and Second Perfon, and then as God-Man, or as he is Chrill, that is, the Son of God dwelling in Man; for Chrill (peaks pertinently to the thing that fiuin– bled them. They thought much, that he being ( in view) but a Man, fi1ould arrogate this to himfelf, to have a hand in all God's Works. Now this he an– fwers and juilifies himfelf in. And further, that he fpeaks thefe things of himfelf as Man, as well as limply as Second Perfon, appears in the other Inllance which he gives to confirm this That the Father hatb committed aU ]11dgment 1mto the So11, verC 22. And if i~ Judgment he bath this )~int or equal hand, ( as they call it) thence be argues rt, He mtght alfo have 1t m other Works. Now thts bemg fpoken in a way.of difference from his Father, that his Father judgeth no Man, but hath committed aU Judgment to the Son. This mull needs be meant of him as God-Man for the meaning hereof is, That the Father judgeth not audibly, vifibly, and 'in view, as Judges ufe 10 do: He ·takes not on htm the Perfon of a Judg, to atl: that part; but thus, or fo bath committed all unto his Son, and therefore as a Man. And this alfo the very committing or refigning the Judgment unto him, im– plies, it is a making of it over to him, and a giving him Commiffion to do it; which mull not be laid of Chrifl:, as God. And verJ 23. it is added, He that hono11reth not the Son, hono11reth not tbe Father that Jent him. Now Chrifl: only as God-Man was Cent. But