Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

andMSon fe/us Chri[l. I""'>.J\..F> Chap. 3· --------------------------------------~ C H A P. III. The Honour, and f}(oyalties,_ that apj~ertain unto Chri's1 (jod-Man, qs ordazned Juch zn (jod's firfl Vecreej·, to be the final Cauje, or Endof the rvhole Creation, and Works of God. In rvhat Senfe he is the Firjl-born of eile~y [reature. The '1\..eafons rv~y it if not to be underjiood in rejpea of his Eter– nal Generation, as Son of (jod. It is fpoken of him in [onjideration of a Vignity, or 'Birth-rig,ht, rvhich the rfJV[an fefus Chri(l, united rvith the Second 'T'erfon in the Trinity, has abo-pe all other Creatures. He is alfo the firJl-born, in that he rvas firfl in (}Yder. intended ;,~ the eternal Purpofes of tjod. He is the final Caufe, or end, for rvhich all thiny,s rvere created. And upon the prefuppoft"– tion of his being decreed to be God-Man, it be– longed to him, aJ his due, to be the uniiJerfal End for rvhom all Things fhould be made : This rvas an high Prerogati"Pe of rvhich no meer Creature could be capable. I . Am now in the next Place, to defcribe, in a fecond Branch ofthis Head, cer.. tain other Royalties or Prerogatives, incommunicable alfo to any Creature · which belong to Chrill God-Man, whereof Come are mentioned in th~ Text; as that, He is the Firfl-born ofevery Creature, veri. I 5· and that he is before all things, ver( 17. And that All things are for him, veri. r6. Which e– minently imply two things. r. That he was the firfl and prime Birth in God's Decree : And, 2. Alfo holds the Honour ofbeing the End or final Caufe ofall. Thefe I put together, becaufe they more properly belong to this Head; and the latter ferves to explain and illuflrate the former : and flill let it be taken along that they are meant of him, not !imply confidered as Second Perfon, but . ; God-Man. To begin with the firfl. The Firfl-boi'll ofevery Creature. For the Explanation of the Import of it, I will, i. Shew, Negatively, what is not only to be underflood. And, 2. Then, Pofitively, open the full extent of it, and, !hew, that what i have declared, is intended thereby. J. It is not fpoken ofhim fimply as Second Perron oniy, as fome Interpreters have underflood: So, as that his Eternal Generation, as Son ofGod, fhould be only intended. Concerning which Affertion,Iet me fir(\ make this Apology; That whereas thi•, and the like Scrij>ttlfes, are alledged by om Divines, to prove that Chrif!