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and MJ Son fefus C1Jrifl. 1 i 7 ------------------------------- ~· Chap. +· ----------~----~----·-------------------~ CHAP. I V~ That by thi8 defigned Union of the Son of God to this Jndi-vidual(reature the 8\dan fefus, and in the Per(on of this his Son fo conjidered; God hath anddoth make the highefl manifejfation of his Glory; and communication of Himfelf, Juch cu by no created IVays or ~eans e!Je could ha-ve been 'attained. AND this third Branch, i~ the-natural Refult of both, efpecially the firff; which was, That he wa< the l11Jage of the lnvijible God: Which is fpoken in refpeCl: of the manife!lation of the God-head to us, in his Humane Nature. Herein then, thirdly, lies the Divine Glory of Chriil, That God's highefi Ends, of making and ordaining any Creature, being the Manifefration of bim– felf, and the Communication of himfelf to us. If it be manifefr that by this Perfonal Union he attaineth thefe Ends more fully than any other way, then this Defign mufr needs be acknowledged the Sovereign and Eldefr Birth, and firfr Born of God's Thoughts, and the Glory of Chrifr as God-Ylan, an(werable hereunto. , It is true, the Work of Redemption addeth hereunto fome pieces, as the Ma· nifefration of Mercy, Jufrice ; and the Story thereof giveth us a new and corn– pleat Edition of God's Attributes, (which I have fhewn at large in that Trea– tife, The Glory of the Goj}el); Yet if the Ends for which this Union of God-Mari in the Perfon of Chri(\ alone ferves for, be confidered, it will be Ceen, that the; ground-work, or the fubfrance of that Glory on which thole other Colours of Redemption are laid, and do but fuper-add unto, are found in the Perk>n it fell; fimply confidered as God-Man. Yea,and the mofr glorious ofthofe Ends God had in the whole compafs of this Defign of Cbrifr's Incarnation, are the immediate Refult of his perfonal Union to our Nature, and of us unto him.. However, this much is granted on all Hands, That the Glory God bath by this Work, and the Ilfue of it alone, exceeds infinitely what could have arifen from any, or all of his goings fonb in making meer Creatures; and this, fay I; moved hitn above all elfe in his purpofes, to make any Creature. The eminent Ends God had to move him to make all, or any Creature; were two. r. The Manifeflation of Himfelf, and his glorious PerfeCl:ions to Creatures reafonable, that they might glorify him. 2. To !hew his Love, and communicate his Goodnefs unto thole Creatures' reafonable, which be would fet Himfelf to love. The firfr refpefreth Himfelf, who made all Things for Himfelf and his Glo– ry ; and therefore be refolved to manifeft the Glory of all his Attributd nnto the full. The fecond refpefreth the Creatures; to Come of which it became Him, who was Goodnefs it felf, to communicate alfo that Goodnefs to the higbefr and utmofr. Now take this great and mofr glorious Defign ofa/fuming Come one Creature rtafonable, (which by his Decree was Man, and that Man Jefus in fpecial) in~ to Perfon with one of the three Perfons ; which Lot, by his Decree, fell ori that Son of Man : And take this fingly and alone, without the fuper-added Pro– jefr of Redemption, and we fhall find, that both thefe great Ends are thereby– more fully accompli(h'd ( though this Workof Redemption added, makes them more