Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

II8 Of the l(no'f!Jled,.g of (jod the Father~ ~ more full ) than could poffibly have been attained by the Creation of Millions BooK lll. of Worlds of meer Creatures (if this ibould have been fuppofed wanting) ~ made to manifeft God's Glory and his Goodnefs in; although they had all been made in never fo feveral Variety, which the Wifdom of God could have con– trived the Models of; or never fo glorious in their feveral Varieties. For Demonftration whereof; Firft ; Would God manifell himfelf as God, and make known thofe Glories lock'd up in himfelf; which was the chief End of Creating, as Rom. I. 20. The !nvijible Thi11g1 of him ( that is his Attributes, which cannot otherwife be feen or known by us, to which the words of this Text agree) from the (reation of the World, are clearly fien,-even hit ·Eternal Power and Godhead. Here is a way this is a way, namely, to aifume Man's Nature into perfonal Union with his S~n, puts down all ways of meer and fimple Creation that can be fuppofed. More of God's Glory !ball infiamly ibine forth in that fmall Model, the Man Chrifi Jefus, having the God-head dwelling in him perfonally, than by God's making Millions of Worlds never fa various, or fa richly furnifhed with Glo– ries. For flill in them, at befi, would have appeared but -rei e,;;, the Thi11g1 of God, as Rmu. I. 12. And the more diver!ified they had been, the more fcatteredly and brokenly would thole Things of God have appeared in them, even but as Foot-fieps, Vefligia Dietati<, and at befi but as the dark ibadow of a Man in broken and fcattered pieces to be pick'd up here and there, and fct together, fame refemblance or fhadow of the God-head would appear. But in the Man Chrifi Jefus, God himfelf appears Perfonally, God manifejled in the Flejb, I Tim. 3· 16. fien of Ange!t, and that with fo great and ft1pcreminent a Glory, that they cover their Faces, and fall down at it. For when the Type. of his Perianal Glory, as he was to c9me in the Manhood, wasprefented, fil– ling his_Temple: The Seraphimt are faid to cover their Faces; !fa. 6. I, 2, 3· Inthe1eartbat KmgUzz1ah dud, I fawalfatheLordjittmg11pon a Throne, high atJd hfted 11p, and hit Train ftlled the Temple. Abo11t it Jlond the Seraphinu; each one had fix Wingt; with twain he covered hit Face, and with twain he covered hi 1 Feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried 1/nlo another, and faid, Holy, hol;•, holy is the Lord of Hojlt, the whole Earth i< full of hh Glory. And that that Prophecy and Vi!ion was fpoken of him, as God manifefied in the Hu– mane Nature, is evident by Chrift's own applying it to bimfelf, as prophetical– ly fpoken of him as to come, John 12. 41. Theft thingt faid !faiah, (Chrifr having, in the 4oth verfe, cited the very words of his Prophecy in the 10th Verfe of that 6th Chapter ) when he Jaw hi< Glury, and f}ah! of him, and fo of thofe Times when he was in the Fleib, and that Glory that followed. And therefore alfo, in Heb. I . 3· when he had fet him out in that Glory the Humane Natu'{ now wears i': Heaven, being the Brightnejf (or Shine) of hit Fatherr Glory, his Favour bemg as the Sun, the Glory of Chnfi, God-Man ; but the cbnxv>«~t-«<, the Shine, the Lufire of it ; yet fuch as it there follows, verf. 6. Let all the Ange!t of Gnd worjhip him. Thus was he feen of Angels, ( who wor– ibipped him) the ruofi curious Spell:ators that ever God made: and he was feen too of Men, John I. 14. We Jaw hit Glory, at of the only begotten Son of God; which appeared fo tranfcendent a Glory, as who-ever faw it, mu({ needs acknowledg, This Man it God, Thit i< He. Therefore John putteth thi• pecu– liar Charall:er upon it, That it was at the Glory of the only begotten Son of God. By other Works you may know there is a God ; but there is that peculiar Im– prefs of Majefiy upon his Glory, and that brightnefs accompanies it, that you mufi fay, when you fee it, this is no other than God himfelf dwelling in Man. ' fis fuch a Glory as could not have refulted out of Millions of Worlds, of meer Creatures made on purpofe to ibew forth God's Glory. And whereas the God– bead, and the Glory of it, was invijible, as the Text bath it, and lock'd up from the Eyes of all Creatures, dwelling in Light inaccelfable, I Tim. 6. 6. God dwel– ling perfonally in this Man, puts forth a peculiar Image of the God-head, and makes the Glory of the God-head vi!ible, (as to the utmofi it could be ) God bath on purpofe !tamped his utmofi manifefiative Glory on the .Face of Chri.ft, that we might fee it in him ; 2 Cor. 4· 6. God givet the Light of the Knowledg