Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and hi.r Son !fefus [hrift. thdt hc.rd him. And it is there brought in as a more infallible and unparallel'd c--~ Evidence ofthe Truth oftheGofpe!, above the Law, That that wasgiveu hut by~ Angels, but this Gofpel wa• ji'rf...:pok§n by the Lord htmftlf, who fidt broke up the Treafures of it. And hence, one of hts Tttles ts, The Fmthjid Wrtnejs, Rev. 3· 14. Yea the Amen. God's [Ame11.] Or, So it h ; as that which Seals up all, and puts all out of Quefiion. CHAP. V. The (jhry "ff:!hich Christ, as (jod-Man, had af!ig,ned him, before the World :was, in hi.r Eleflion by the Father; manifefledin an Explication of John 17. ;. l.J7hether that Expre(.Sion, Glorify me now, with the Glory which l hid with thee before theWorld was, be jpoken of Chrifl, as Second Perfo~ in the Trinity, a& God, or as (jod-,fJ\dan, app()tnted in tjod's eternal Vecree. ln"ff:!ha~proper Senfe thi.r mig,ht be faid by the ~-v:an !fejus, Glorify now me, &c. Ho"iil tts God-~9\dan, he can be faid to ha-pe had thi.r Glory "ff:!ith the Father, before the World "ff:!as ; "ff:!hen as Juch, he did not then Exijl. What Glory it r&, that is here intended, it is a Glorydue to his Perjon. God-Man dijlinct from, and Superior to what follo"ff:!ed, upon his performance of the Work of our f}(edemption. JoHN 17•5• And 1l9W,. 0 Father, Glorifj t!JOU me wit!J thine own [elf, with the Glory tvhich .1 had Jvitb thee before the World JVM. TO dear and prove tvhat is the Scope of thele Words, I fhall propole le– vera! Qycries, and the Anlwers made thereunto will lay open the ge– ntline Mind, and Senle ofthe Text. 1. ~tery is, Under what Notion, or Con!ideration Chri!l: fhould be the Sub– jeCl: ofthat Speech, The Glory which I had wifh thee before the Worldn>a;? Whether it be lpoken of the Second Perlon, !imply con!idered, as God, (which is a great Truth in it {elf, •nd which mort do underfiand meant in this Place); or whether it be fpoken ofChrirt, confidered ~sGod-Man, in Goc.l's Predertination; and lo to involve the Man, or Human Nature. There are you lee, two parts of the \vhole Speech : i. And now Glorijj me. And touching that, there need be no flick to apply it to the Human Nature; for he was a SubjeCl: capable of being · glorified now, as upsm his Alcenfion he was. But then how may we withal apR2 ~