Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the l(!JorJJtedg of (jod th.e Father, r"--..'-.,./\.&Y) ply the other part; [With the Glory I had with thee before the World w.u J and take Bo ° K lll. him in,as the Subjetl: of that Glory? Yea, and if we do, it mufl: be fame way the ~ fame kind of Glory, which the Subjetl: of the firfl: part of that Speech prays to be now glorified withal, with the fame Glory mentioned in the. fecond part, \vhich was before the World, and not wtth another: So as take whtch you will whether the Divine Nature, as Second Perfon, or the Humane, fl:ill the fame Na: · mre mufl: be the individual Subjetl: ofthe fame Glory, in either ofthofe Spee~hes. '' • We mufl: not think to apply the one pare ofthe Speech to the Man, or the Hu– man--~ature only; and then the mher to the Divine Nature only: this will breed a Difl:ratl:ion, or a Divifion in the Senfe. My Anfwer to this Enquiq•, and my A!fertion is; That Chrifl:, confidered as God-Man, is the Subjetl: ofboth: and that as the Man fpeaks it, fo the Man is in– volv'd, as fpoken of, and the whole Perfon as God-Man, Glorifj me now, 0 Fa– ther. Now prefemly, upon my Afcenlion (lays the Man) in refpect of enrring into an open atl:ual Poffeffion ofthat Glory, which I the Man had with thee, in the Idea of this Glory, in thy Predefl:ination ofme, ordain'd unto me before the World. But of the manner, how be the Man had it before the World, ofthis at large, and apart in my Anfwers to the other following Qyeries. In the mean time, That it is the Glory.that belongeth to the ,jUan, that he prayeth for in thefe ·. Words, [.And now, Father, Glorijj me]; and not fimply as he is Second Perfon. This Affertion I prove both Negativtly and Affirmatively. i. 9\(egatively. Tis not the Glory ofrhe Second Perfon, limply, or alonecon– fidered ; and therefore, it is the Glory of him as God-Man. For, I. That he might be glorified with that Glory due to him, as Second Perfon limply, was not a thing to be prayed for; for it is Naturally and Effentially his Due. 2. As to that Glory, he might as well have formed his Prayer thus, Glorify thou me, with the Glory I now have with Thee; and not in this manner, And 110lV, 0 Father, glorijj me with the Glory which I had wiih thee from everlajlir.g: For that Divine Glory of him, which is elfential to him as Second Perlon, he had it as much now at the time he prayed, as he had it from everla!ling, and all one. 3· That Word [Now J Glorijj me, neceffarily implies a Sufpenfion ofa Glory due before, and that could not be ofhis Glory, fimply as Second Perlon: Alto, that [Now J argues a Glory to be given in Time, in fuch a manner as not afore ; and what is done in Time, concerns the Human Nature, not the Divine. H. 'Pojitively. The Subjetl: of..the Glory pray'd for, is the Man. .Aujlilz was fa f.1r convinced qf this, that though he were engaged againfl: the .Arriam, as much as any in his Time, and all the Fathers afore him, had urged this Place,to prove the Divine Nature of Chrifl: as Second Perfon, his EJ<ifl:ence from Eterni– ty; yet betook himfelfto this, That it was fpoken of him, as Man, an<! fo in– terpreted, [The Glory which I had] to be meant, which I had by Predefl:ination; and in that Senfe [with Thee.] Now, that it is theMan, or rather the Perfon of God-Man, in Union together, is the Subjetl: prayed for, is evident. Becaufe, 1. It is the Petition of the Perfon who had been, and as he had been humbled, . who had glorified God on Earth, and had fini!bed his Work, and waited for this Glory umil Now: As therefore, the Apofl:le fays, the fame that afcended, firfl: defcended ; fo I may fay here: The fame Perfon who was now prefent– ly to dye, and was Crucified the fame Day, was the L1me, who was the Sub– jeer, the Perfon prayeth to be thus glorified, when· he iliall have done his Work. For, 2. lt is a Glory fufpended until this hi• Work were done: And therefore, [NowJ F,aher (C1ys he) G/orijj me, &c. Anfwers unto that. which is in Lrtli.t 24..26. Ougl.t not Chrijl to have jitjftred theft Things, and to enter into hi< Glory i! Of which afterwards. 3· He