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andMSml :fefus Chrifl. 3· He prays for that Glory, wherein in Heaven, (when glorified) he fhould 1'"'\J\.J") appear viiibly, in his Human Nature,_ an~ which m the 24th Verfe he _prays his~ Saints might fee and behold; and wh1ch m the fame Verfe, had been given him out oflove before the World was; which cannot be meant oftbat ofthe Divine N;Jture, as Second Perfon limply, for that is as invifible as God the Father is ; atid was not by Gift, but by Generation, communtcated to htm. · · All thefe Things cannot be the Voice of him, limply as Second Perfon. Fix upon it therefore, That it is the Glory ofthe Man, or rather God-Man, prayed for. . 2. ff!.!!ery is, In what fair and genine Senfe can it be faid by the Ma" Jelus; Glorifj me with the Glory I had with thee before the World wtn ? My Anlwer, and [econd AITertion is, That it was the Glory which the Second Perlon, being in God's fingular Predeflination of him conflitnted God-Man, had in and by the fame Predeflination, given him as the Glory of the only begotten Son of God, as his Due in the perfetl: and exquifite Idea thereof, then given him, and pre-ordained unto him. · Unto me this bath appeared as the plainefl: and fullefl: Interpretation, and that which anfwers all Difficulties, and carries the Interpretation through, is, That the Word [1 Had] relates to the Glory which he had in his Gngularand luperemi– nent Predejlinatio11, which was the Senle A1iflin gave long iince. And rbere is that which favours thisInterpretation, in the Alpetl: and Correlpondency which the 22d and 24th Verfes, that follow in this Prayer, hold, and do mutually call: upon thele Words ofverf 5· and the[e Words upon them lerving to expound . each otherofthem. TheG/or;thougavejlme, Ihavegiven them: So in ver[22;· and then put to them verf 24. Father I will that they alfo whom ·tbw hajl give,.– me, be with me where I am, that they ""'J bebold my Glory which thmt haft given~!Jte i for thou lovedft me before the Foundation ofthe World. Where,God's loving him afore the Foundation ofthe World,isa Phrofe all one with his having predeflinated ·him out of Love, (as! !hewed afore.) And by the Glory whirh thougaz·rft me,v.22,is above all other meant, that Perlonal GLory of, and flowing from the Petfonal Union which was by Predetl:ination given him as God-Man; by virtue of which firfl: given him, it is,and was that he gives us a derived or Secondary Participation ofGlory out of it. APortion ofGlory,and Priviledg like to this of his,wholly flowing from it,and conformed to it ; yet not the lame Hypo((arical Union, or Perfonal Glory; which Chrifl: himfelfhatb, which the 24th Verle !hews : For our Glory (as there) ari– feth to us, but through our beholdi11g that his lo fupereminenr Glory ; by which he manife((Iy declares, how it is, that the Glorf given him, he gave to them : and that their Gldry was to be differenced from what was perlonally his own, and proper to himfelf. His Scope being to !hew' the depegdency thnt their Glory hath on his ; and withal, how that his was lidt-given l:ii1tf, in Prede((ination, by the Father; and that then he gave a Glory uino them, as concurring with his Father in that Gift. And it is not to !hew at all, That our Glory is, for the Rank of it, the lame with his: No, for our Glory he gives us, is to arile from our ~ehold\ng his Perfonal Glory, and lo is but a fecond-hand derived Glory. ·God having firff, and with a primary and chiefintendment efl:atedChrifHbfolutely, lingly, inde– pendently, in his perianal Glory, and in his Predefl:ination of him, God-Man, gave him that Original, as the grand Leafe ofall Creature-Glory : Therefore he is called the Lord of Glory, 1 Cor. 2. 8. And Chrifl being endowed therewith, did as freely give forth to thofe whom God had given him. (as rheir leveral Por– tions) tinder-Leafes. Which Glory of ours, may yet in this general relpefr, be_ fa id to be the fame, in that it is fupernatural, wholly above what by the Law of Creation, or the Covenant of Works, which from Adavt we had derived; and which, though never lo much advanced, fhould have attained unto: For this is :l Glory the fecond Adam bequeathed us, like unto what himlelfhad ; which was wholly Supernatural. So then, bring all thele together, firfl the 5th Verfe, The Glory !had afore the World, down to the 22d. The Glory thougavejf nre, I have gi– ven them; thoft rrhom thou gavejl me, f.,ys verf. 24. And I will, that they behold that IIIJ Glory .' and then, the dole of all, ·in that 2411> Verfe, For thou lovedfl me ' afore