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and htJ Son !feft.ts Chri.ft. which thou hadfl appointed and decreed afore all Timei. Now what-ever God ''-A./") predeflinares Perfons,or Things concerning Perfons,he bath the Ideq thereof, and <;bap. 5· of all that appertains thereto, in his Divine Mind : For, known UntO God are U(""V""'b.J all his Works from the beginning ; and therefore had, yea, much more had·, of this very Glory of God-Man, the full and lively Portraiture of his.Underflanding and Purpofe: yea, we may fay, That. even that Gl.or~, thiS D1vme Perfon, God·Man, 'bath now m Heaven; (when 1t was that th1s h1s Prayer had its Ac– complifhment) is no other Glory, either for Kind or Degree, than Was in the Heart and Mind of God, laid up with God, for him; as in 1ob the Phrafe is; Many ji1ch Things are with him; Job 23. 14. For he performeih the Thing,that i$ appointed for me ; and many [itch Things are with him, tea, of all the Saints, it may be f.1id, when they are glorified in Heaven, ·it is but whh that fame Glory and no other, for meafure, and the like, than was in the Heart of God decreecJ towards them from Everlafiing: And fo they differ, a1 the Pattern which Wa$ fo long afore formed, and the Piece that is framed to,it: As when King .Ah4jh;1ertH faid, Let it be done, fo and fo, to the Man.whom the Kjng will honour; Eflher 6. 9· Which when Raman had once performed, might he (aid, That he had been honoured with the fome Honaur in all the Circumfiances of it ; which · the King in his Heart had contrived to be given him. And fo it is here; for Predeflination is but Preparatio Beneficiorum; a fhaping, a forming of all thofe Benefits of Grace and Glory that fhall be bellowed, in Time, upon every one thJt is Elel.l: ; and fo 'twas in Chrill. 3· ff<!!ery. How is the Man, or he as God-Man, (aid to have had this Glory with the Father before the World was, when as fuch he exified not ? Aifwer. By Reafon that the Second Perfon then exilled, and all along ftotrl Everlaflmg upon h1s Elel.hon thereunto, took on huil that Perfonage of God– Man, and bore the Title of it with God his Father i thereby lt comes to pafs; that it may be (aid by the Man Jefus, The Glory tt!hich I had with Thee; which no Saint or Angel elfe can fay of the Glory given them by Predellina– tion. For that a meer Act of God's ordaining him God-Man in his owii Brea(l and Intention, fingly and alone confidered, !hould be· all adequate full Ground for Chrifl to fay, That I as Man, or as God-Man, had a Glory with Thee afore the World was,when I,this Man,was not extant,as now I am who challenge it; cannot be alone fufficient: For, the Elel.l: Saints (who were predefrinated as well as Nec en;ri,j,, Chrill ) might then alfo fay, We had a Glory with Thee afore the World 2~as: But bul~ ,gl?d– this they mull not, nor can fay ; for the very found of it is fuch, as fignifies; ;;,~'}.;Jt; That the Perfon that had that Glory, and that lays it, !hould have been then qui glodam with God, and to have been glorified by God with that Glory he fpeaks f:c~~,:~:;;.e. of. ltibere aliquia Now the Elel.l: of Men, .neither of therrifelves exilled then with God, nor nd t;:::,~ ·;:~:i' part of them, no not the1r Souls. They may fay mdeed, tliat by virtue of qui aHquld ,.., their Predeftination, Gr3ce and Glory was given them afore the World was, as :J:t,?,;_";~~o Tm1. 1. 9· Who hath foved "'' and called us wrth an Holy Calling, not according to Olfr Wor/;!, but accordi11g to his own P~trpofe and Grace, which wai givenus in ChriflJejiH, before the World began. But for them to fay, The Glory which [ had with Thee afore the World was: This their Prede!'rination, or God's fingle meer ACI: of Predeflinating them, will not warrant them to C!y ; Nor doth the Scrtpture any where fo fpeak of the Saints their Predellination; no fuch Language is any where ufed of them. Befides, that it were to derogate froni Chrifi, who alone is capacitated ( for the Grounds that fhall be added) thus tO fpeak. Moreover, their EleCI:ion, and the Grace given them thereby, bath this dif: fercnce from Chrifi's EleCI:ion, That they are (aid to be chofen in Chtifr, Ephef. I. 4- and that Grace given them from Evcrlalling, is laid to be given in Chrijl; in 2 Tim. z, 9· But Chrifl himfelf was chofen immediately in and for himfelf, which enabled him to fay, The Glory which I had with thee afore the World. WhicH nolle of them could !.1y ; yea, and for him to fay it, and to have intended no more