Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the l(,nowled_g of (jod tbe Fatber, ~ more than what he had of Glory in, and by God's meer Act of Purpofe and BooK J,[. Predeterminating him unto it, had been to fay no more than the World it (elf ~ might C1y, or might be laid of it, That it had a Being (namely, in God's purpole) afore its Creation, and all:ual Exrfl:ence. For, whatfoever the World now is, it was in God's naked Decree and Purpofe, afore It felf was, as well as · Chrifl: himfdf. Hence then there mufl: be [ome extraordinary fpecial Thing foqnd in Chrifl's Predefl:ination, which mu(\ give ground to this Speech, and fill up the whole lntendmem of it. And therefore I added, to this fecond A!Tertian, a [econd part of it, That the Second Perfon, the Son did, at and together, and upon God's All: of pre– dellinating him to be God-Man, ( and upon him did God's Predeflination fall as well as on the Man Jefus) take on him the real Title and Repute of God– Man; and fufl:eined and bore the Per[onage of God-Man afore his Father. And his Father all:ually g1ve him the Glory of it, as a fuper-added Glory to that of his being Second Perfon, and his Son limply confidered. And this having been afore-hand done, upon the account of, and refpell: unto, his being to be that Man one Day: Hence, the Man Jefus being now exiC ing and united into one Perfon with that Son of God, was juflly and rightly enabled and capacitated to claim and pray, Glorifj Me with the Glory I had with Thee afore the World Wd.f. The Perfon he was now become, having been glorified in that very account as God-Man, by his Father from Everlafl:ing. ' This Condition of the Perfon God-Man, upon whom this Election fell, bath not enough been confidered; That whil(l [uch a bare Act of Election lighting upon us, would not have been fuch an Expreff10n, but been deficient; yet in the Cafe of Chrifl, as bath been now fl:ated, it would ; And with thefe Ad- · ditionali it is abundantly verified, and holds good. But we mufl confider, that there was not only a Prede(lination-Ail: on the Father's Part, that paffed upon Chri(l to be God-Man in common with God's predeflinating us : But that there accompanied ir, at the infl:ant, on the fecond Perfon's part, an acceptance of what God had predeflinated him umo,a !ltflaining of that Perfon afore God ever after ; and a Glory given him all along by his Father in their Converfes, anfwer– ing that Dignity; which utterly varie1 the Cafe from that of our Predefl:ina– tion, by a fingle All: of God's. And becaufe God's predefl:inating him to be God-Man, bath fingly been confidered by many, when that interpretation hath been given of the words, That they are to be underflood of what was in God's firft predefl:inating of Chrifl; and that as it is a bare Act on God's part falling !hart, they therefore have wholly rejell:ed that Interpretation; whereas fupply to it, what was alto done at and upon God's predefl:inating, on Chrifl:'s part, and God's glorifying him as fuch for ever after ; . and fo the Solution rifeth ( in my poor conceptton) to a famfall:10n of the Dtfliculttes that are otherwife in– cumbent on the words. This new Supplement of fo grand a moment in this Argument, I !hall draw forth into fundry Particulars; which the Reader may pleaie to add unto thofc of Predefl:ination already foregon. For that mufl: !till fl:and, though tbefe be alfo ·taken in unto it, to make the Interpretation more full. . 1. The Son of God, fecond Perfon, was extant and with God, at the inflanr when he was chofen to this Glory of being God-Man; there he was, the Per– fon, which we were not at our Elell:ion. This I need not iofifl upon. And hence, 2. The Glory of it was immediately !liven to himfelf, at the very inflant of that Act of predefiiQating him to it. lt needed not be given him in another, or to another for him; h~ was there to accept it, and receive it : whereas the Glory we were to have, was given us in Chrifl, when nothing of us exifl:ed, and fo long afore we exifl:ed; and was therefore given us in Chri(l, becaufe he was prefent by, "nd could receive it for us (as he did); and therefore might much more receive any Glory or Honour which the Father, by [uch an Act of Election, !hould ordain him unto, as, de foC!o, he did him to this ofGod-Man. But