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and !J!J Son !fefus Chrifl. But you will urge, That flill the Man that was ordained to this Glory, exifled ~ not but in a bare Decree. Chap. 5· Confider therefore, 3· That the Second Per!on that exifled, and was now~ chofen to be God-Man, had the Title of beingGod-Man; and fo the Glory due ro it upon that J:.lection of him to it, really conferred upon him: and fo as from' thence he was no longer to be confidered, ·meerly and abftractly, as Second Per!on alone; but was thereupon afore God and with God, and in his repute and efleem accounted of as God-Man. Take a Man that is elected to an Office, whom thereupon you call Now EleCJ, befides what he is, and bath, as a Man fingl y confidered, he bath now the Honour of his Office~ though he be not inftalled. Thus a Man chofen and defigned a General, bath the Honour and Title of his Defignment, long afore he goes into the Field. Now this much more really was the Second Per!on's Cafe, as to this new additional Glory. 4· He not only"knew what he was ordained to, but folemnly accepted it afore his Father; and concurred in affent and content thereto, and ~ndertook to be fo as his Father had appointed; Heb. IO. 5· A Body haft thou prepared me. The Second Perfon deferred not, flayed not accepting it upon the firft Act of God's chufing him, until the Time lhould come that he was to become God– Man, by being m~de Flcfh; but he accepted it inflantly without any more ado: And fo he was abColutely and folemnly efpou!ed by his own content afore his Fa– ther, unto that individual Nature of Man, whom his Father had by that Act of Ptedeftination, defigned and propofed to him to be. And hence the Title of it mufl needs come on him ; He took on him the Title, the Honour, and Glory, fi·om that very inflant of Eternity; He was thence-forward God-Man cou– tra[Jed, although the Marriage was to be after confummated, when the Word took Flelh: He had the Title of God-Man E!e[J, though not of God-Man uni– ted, or made Flelh : He .bore the Perlonage of God-Man (mark that word) Perfonam gerebat, The Garb; the Port of it; although as yet the Son of God had not took up into his Ptr!on that Man he was contracted unto. I fay, he bore the Title and Repute of it, and went under that Name with Goq, the Name of God-Man, even as he did, of Everlafting Father, or a Father of us from Everlafting, Ifo. 9· 6. There is the like reafon for either ; for he had that title of Ever!afling Father, but becaufe from Everlafling He afore God took upon .him that Relation to us as his Children, and fo to be of the fame Nature with us; as the Apoflle argues in Heb. 2. 10, r I, 14. For it became him, for whom are •11 Things, and by whom are all Tlnngs, in !.ringing many Sons unto Glory, to mak.§ the Captain of their Salvation perfe[J through Sufferings. For both be thdt j:zn{liji– eth, aAd they who are (rmCiijied, are aU of one ; for which caufl he i< not ajbamed to eaU thenJ Brethren.. Forafmuch then as the Children are partak§rs of Flejb and Blood, he a/fo himfelf likgw;_[e toolz part of the fame, that through he mig£t deforoy him that had the Power af Death, that i<, tbe Devil. The fecond Per!on tingly confidered, bath not the flile of Father, for that is the firfl Per!on's Pro– priety, only confidered fimply as a Perfon. Again, if all the Promiles God bath made in his Word, were from Everlafl:– ing niade, and rhen extant afore God, as you read, Tit. 1. 2. they were, in hope of Etemal Life, which God, that cannot lye,promifed before the World began. Then Chrift; confidered as God-Man, ·to whom, as fuch, all the Promiles were made, and in whom as luch fuppofed, they have their Truth, Foundation, and Exi– flence, their Yea and Amm. He then (Hay) mufl much more have born (be– mg then prefent with God) that title of God-Man. And without his being confidered as fuch, and his having accepted to be fuch, thole Promifes had bad no Extftence or Reality, nor would it have been fo, that all onr Grace and Glory was given us in Chrifl afore the World was, as it is laid 2 Tim. r. 9· Was not then that Title of being Chrift, and God-M•n, then given them? Without the confideration of whicb, we bad not, nor could be confidered. as Legatees, to whom that Grace was bequeathed : Yes, it was a Title familiarly ufed of him amongft the Three, from thence-forward for ever. · This Title was in it [elf truly a Glory, though but an additional, given the Second Perfon then exifting; and though the Man, or the Humane Nature, was not exiflent, yet the Glory of his being on<: day Man, was then exiflenr ; S and