Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

qo Of the l(,no'Jl!led_v, of (jod tbe Father, ~ and the Perfon was eJtiflent, that was capable of receiving even that Glory at BooK 11 [. that prefent. ~ I. It was a Glory; for the thing in it felf, was truly a Matter of Glory, · though but an additament to him, and being given by a Perfon of Glory, bir Father, the Fonntain ofGlory, it mufl be truly iuch. o. Though but an Additional Glory ; for his native Effential Glory, as God, needed it not, as to his own Bleficdnefs or Glory : As we fee God cloth not need that Glory we Creatures give him, and yet 'tis a real Glory to him, and a glori– fying of him, that which Creatures give him. 3· Though the Man exifled not, yet the Glory exifled; for the Second Pcr– fon exifled to receive it from his Father, who exill:ed together with him ; and might, and did, afore-hand give it to him, upon his own ordination of him to be Man, and the Second Perfon, his undertaking to become Man ; and fo: was given through that Relation contracted for afore·hand unto thlt Man. So as who-ever coniiders it, will find himfelf to be utterly in a miflake, if he lhould.thus conceive of it, that Chrifl only had the Glory of his being God, and Second Perfon, ofore and with his Father ; and that God began firfl actually to honour his Son as God-Man,only from the time he actually took Flelh,and be– came Man. For if there be a real Glory ari[eth to him, now he bath afiumed Man's Nature; for which, and by reafon whereof, he is by us defervedly to be glorified and adored as God-Man; Or if that be a Glory to him now he is in Heaven, that he is God Man, which he vifibly wears there afore his Father, and all the Saints : Then it mufl be acknowledged, (having been given him by his Farher, in his Decree, and undertaken by himfelf) that it was a Glory alfo, as then really extant between himfelf and his Father. At the time after he had affumed our Nature, and was actually become Man, then his Farher lhould and did openly declare and congratulate him as his Son, in faying from Heaven, M,llfh. 3· 17. .And lo, a Vorce from Heavw, faying, This h my beloved Son, in who1J1 I am weU pleafid. It is added, that he gave h;,, Glory and Hono11r, as is exprell: in 2 Pet. I. 17. For he received from God the Father, Hono11r, and Glor 1 , when there came Jitch a Voice to him from the exceUent Glory, TUs h my beloved Son, in whom 1am weU pleafid. Then why may it not alfo be faid, that when in God's Everlafling Decree, God had [aid the fame to him as expreOy, P[al.2.7. I 1vi/l declare tbe Decree, Tho11 art my Son, this d4J have I begotten thee. Why lhould nor rhis be as well a giving Glory to him from Everlafling, though but upon, and in his Decrees which was from Everla(\ing? Upon the making of his Decree for that Glory, this was faid, Thou art my Son, &c. And the Pfol– miji profefferh but to publifh the Matter of that Decree, and to produce the Record, and fet it do.wn by way of prophefy. If then the declaring rhe fame by God himfelf afterward, when he was made Flel1:1, and become Man, were an Honour given him by his Father: Then furtly, at the making of that De– cree it was the like ; and therefore he had that Glory with the Father before the World was. That there migbr be·a Glory given the Son from Everlafling, is clear from this, Thar there was rhe higheft and freefl mutual Converfe held between the ,Three Perfons amongfl themftlves from Everlailing, when no Creature was; and in that Converfe they drove and carried on Defigns of what was to come, and gave the Glory to one another, of what eacb of them was, or lhould be, or do, in their feveral Activities, to all Eternity. They fpake one to rhe other, and one of another, as Heb. 10. The Son foid to the Father, .A Body haft thou prepared me. And the Father to the Son, Theu art my Son, this Day have I be· gotten tbee. And this latter was from Everlafling in the decreeing of it, fpoken to him; for the words afore are, I will decf,ire the Decree, whereof that Speech therefore was the Matter. Likewife there were mutual Engagem~nts and Pro– miles pafl between them, 1 Tit. 2. Eternal Life was promifed afore rhe World began. And there mull: be an entercourfe of Peri'ons promifing, and that re– ceived and accepted the Promife. And in like manner in.their Converfes they glorified one'another; John 15. 16. The Spirit ft!a/1 glorifj me, fays Chrift: He fays it indeed of his glorifying Chrifl to us ; but if he doth it to us, much more among themfelves. And