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and hir Son !fefus [brifi. And truly, the Phra(e here, which I had [with thee J (which now only re- Ch~ mains to be expounded) rn the fulnefs ofthe extent of the meanmg tt wrll reach ~ umo, is very compliant With thrs NotiOn: For, !VhJCb I had With Thee, rmports not only a prefence, or bemg with God m Exrllence. . As, firll, ]ohn 1. r. The Word is 1i1id to be God, and n·it~ God.. , Or, 2. the intimacy of an ahke Glory to that of the Fathers, en;oyed by the Son, together with the father. . . . . But, 3· it denotes the Repute or Efleem wh1ch Chnfl had with hrm; (o that the Glory 1had with thee, is the Honour and Valuation I then held ih thy Heart of me. We ufe the Came Phra(e in our Language, (and it is current in all Langua– ges) A Per(on who is honoured by another, we. u(e to fay of him, He is in bfleem, Repute, or favour with him. And (o rt rs not neceffanly here to be wholly confined to fignify his Effential Glory, which he had together with his Father, and enjoyed, as if that were only tneant; but will well comport with this reputative Glory cafl on him by Election, of his being God-Ma11. And the Scripture (peaks parallel unto this in point of Grace, that is now born ro us by God, or to any Elect of God; and it is all one to Gy, luch an one bath Grace with God ; and to f.1y, they have Glory and HonCiir with God. Now of the Bldied Virgin, the Angel accofls her with this, Lu~ I. 30. Thort haft found favour with God; or,. art in great Grace with God; that is,_ in God's Eflimation and Repute: Grace rn hiS Heart born to thee, wh1ch mrght have been laid of Her, even from Everlafling ; when it was, the~ God did fingle her forth to be the Mother of the Lord ; it may be f.1id, fhe had that Grace with God then, which otherwi(e is commonly expreiS'd, by a finding favour in his Eyes. Maldonate takes hold of the Word, as often importing Efleem and Renown, ( though he diverts it to another purpole); I may (ay of Chrifl, God.Man, that he was of Renown with God, and that he was as God·Man in Repute and Efleem, luch upon his Election of him. This may juflly be termed a Glory, when thus it was in God, and wirh God : For God's Repute and Efleem is Glory; for God is the God of Glory, the Father of Glory, and Glo– ry comes only of God ; John 5· 44· How can ;e believe, whicb receive Honour one of another, and feel{ not the Honour that cometb from God only l His Efleem isrhe valuation of Glory, which is in the fight of God of great price, is really fo, I Pet. 3· 5· And thus underf'tood, Chrifl prayes to have that Glory which in the Perlon of the Second he had then with God in his repute and valuation. And if you put [Hod J unto it, yet flill ,the Phrale, Had w1th Thee, will not rife up to denote, that he had it in real poffdiion then with God. A Man is laid to have a thing in a right unto it given him, though not yet enjoyed, as Heb. 10. 35· we are (aid, To have Treajitre in Heavm, when yet we enjoy it not. GlorifY me with thine own felf, ( there is an actual poffeffion prayed for) with the Glory I had with Thee in thy Efleem, Account, and De– fign. ATitle of Glory and Excellency given by a Perfon that is the true Foun– tain of Glory; what is this, but really and truly a Glory to the Per(on to whoni it is given. 4· !fl!!ery. Our next Qyery is, What kind of Glory is it that is properly in– tended in this 5th Ver(e ? This is a Matter of great moment to be enquired into, (as will in the Sequel appear). For thedi(covery whereof; Firfl; Divines have ob(erved, though not upon the occafion of thefe words, s,. G•m_.,_ · that there isa double Glory of Chrifl, and that confidered as God-Man. Tom.J-?.7<. ' 1. 'Ferfon« jimpliciter; Of his Per(on fimply confidered as God-Man, ( ab71 ' ll:raCl:ing from his being a Mediator for us ). . 2. O)Jicii; Of his Office of Mediatorfhip; which latter was fuperadded, over and above, unto the Glory of his Per(on, as God-Man; and confif'ts purely in what he is in Relation unto God his Father; whereas that Glory of Mediator, arifeth from his Relation unto us, and for us; and fi·om what he did or wrought for us as Sinners, influenceth us with, In the virtue of that other S :t perfona