Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the fV!oJP!edg of {jod the Father, "'-~ perfonal Glory, in being an Head to us. And indeed Chrifl: bath a three.fold BooK lll. Glory. ~ The firfl: E!Tential, the fame with God his Father, He the Son being coequal to him; God of God, and very God. The fecond, belonging to his Perfon, as now confl:ituted God·Man·, to break forth in and npon the Man a!Tumed, as being one Perfon with the Son, who is God effentially. Thirdly, The Glory of his Mediatorlliip acquired by himfelf. The two lat– ter are thofe afore us. The firfl: of the latter, the Glory of his Perfon, fimply confidered, is ex– preffed in that Speech, ']oh. I.I 4· We beheld bis Glory, a< the Glory of the only begot– ten of the Father; which was meerly the Glory which brake forth in his Perfon: For otherwife, the Glory of htsOffice, as bemg Medtator, as dymg and nfing again, 6'c. was the Glory of hts Perfon : And they faw not, nor confidered not then the Glory of him, as dying, &c. for they underfl:ood it not till after he was rifen; as in Lukg 24:45, 46. Then opened he their Vnderjlancling, that they might underjiand the Scriptures; and foid unto them, Thus it il written, and thns it behoved Chrijl to fitjfir, and to rife from the Dead the third Day. This double Glory you may fee, Heb. 1. 3· Who being the BrightneJ of his Glory, and the exp>·ef Image of his Perfon, &c. . . I. The Glory of hts Perfon limply, as God-Man ts 111 thefe words, Who leivg the Brightnefof hi< Father's Glory, and the exprefs image of his Perfon. 2. The Glory of his Office as Mediator, in thefe words, When he had by him– fclf (or by the Sacrifice of himfelf) pnrged away onr Sins, he fot .down on the right Hand of tte Majejly on high. Which latter Claufe declareth, how he being originally,in his Perfon as God– Man, the Brightnefl of his Father's Perfon, &c. after his Work performed on Earth, to purge Sins away, he went to Heaven, and took poffeffion of a Glo– ry anfwerable to that dignity of his Perfon; which was, to Jit down on the right Hmd of the Majejly 012 high : And therein to perform what was to be executed by him in Heaven, in interceffion, 6'c. Which if it be not jufl: the fame in Subftance and Order with whit is here-in tliefe four Verfes prayed for, I leave to be conl!dered, he here praying, that now he had finillied his Work on Earth, that now God would glorify him in Heaven, with that Glory which was due to his Perfon, who was the Brightnefs of his Father's Glory; 1mrl fit dow12 at the riglt hand of the Majejly on Htgh: So taking his place, according to the dignity of his Perfon fpecified; which Glory, as he was predefl:inated unto in his Per– fon before the World, fo he was appointed by Ele{tion, as the Heir, Lord, and End of all Things. And although his Mediatory Glory in Heaven, is involved in his fitting at God's right Hand ; which he cloth, as a Priell, to intercede, yet it is the poffeffion of that perfonal Glory, which he was appointed unto, that is, the fubfl:antial Glory there fpoken of, and intended, and which the weight is put upon. Now Chri!l: himfelf, within the compafs of thefe five Verfes, doth, accord– ing to this difference of Glories, frame his Prayer·about himfelf. For, you may obferve how be prays twice for his own being glorified ; firfl:, in verf I, 2. Glorifj thy Son, that thy Son alfo may glorifj Thee; As tho11 haft given him Power over all Flejh, that he miglt give Eternal Life to a< many M thoit haft given him. And here a fecond time, verf 5· .d11d 11ow, 0 Father, glorifj th01e me with thine onw fclf, with the Glory which 1had 1vith thee before the World was. Now bel!des, that he would not have u!ed fuch a repetition of the fame thing, in fo punClual and concife a Prayer, within the compafs of fo few Verfes, and which is all he pray sfor, as for himfelf. Befidos this, the difl:inaion of a two-fold glorifying, is evident from hence; that that glorifying him in vtrf I.. relates to the performance of his Office of Mediatorlliip, which he lays lay in this, To give Etemal Life to as many as God had given him; and the meaning of his firfl:, Glorifj Me, that I may glorifj Thee, in vcrf I . is, that in that work of Suffering, which now he was emring into, God would gloriouOy affifl: him, and enable him to go through with it, accord– ing to the Commiffion, Authority, and Power God had given him, (for m that