Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and his Son !fefus Chrifl. that Senfe, Power, in verj2. mufl: neceffarily be underflood) Glorifjthy Son, that~ thr Son m•y glorifj Thee: Astholt haft given hm1 Power over aU Flejb, to this End, ~ That he mightgive Eternal Lip, &c. All thiS properly relates unto thiS Work and Oflice of Mediatorfh!p: And that Partlde [As] Thou haft g1ven hun Power, imports, that in a Proportion requilire unto that Work and Office, whtch he was empowered and authorifed withal; he would gtve htm a meafitre of glortous Strength anfwerable, or worthy of that Office,and fully enabling htm to perform it and rhroughly to execute tt : and then to glonfy htm, as a Reward for that Work when he fhould have finifh'd it, verf 4· I have glorified Thee on the Earth: I have 'jinijbed the Work._ which thou gaveft me to do. But the meafure of this fecond Glorify me, in urfs. is the Glory ofGod Himftlf; and what tt became God to glo– rify fuch an One with,as was his Son; and to be taken up mtci the Glory of God. It was not upon the account ofwhat he had done in this World, as in Relation unto us, and our Eternal Life; but what fimply arofe from the Union and Com– munion, which he had, and was to have entirely with his Father, fingly and a– lone; Glorifj tho~tme with thim ownftlf: And fo,which was to arife from that One– nds with his Father, and which he had had with him afore this World ; or, the confideration of any fuch thing. Any thing done in it, or Perfons belonging to it, and which he and his Father had alone; and fuch as would have been,ifrhere were no World nor had been extant; and fo it was without relation unro his Work done; or Perfons in this World, whom Eternal Life fhould be given unto. If it be objected, that the Coherence of vcrf 4, 5· I have glorified Thee on the Earth, &c. verC4. And now, 0 Fatter, Glorifjth01t me, verC5. would leem to carry it, that he fhould ask this fecond Glory; for this, as the Ground or Caufe, that he had done fuch a work ofMediation on Earrh ? I Anfwer, No, that is a Mifl:ake: But that Coherence with this verf. 5· notes out that [Now J for the Time of it, that full Time was come he !hould be glori– fied. That whereas he now had, according to his own or his Fathers compact, performed all, and [jinijbed] the Work which God gave him to do; and which alfo, that Word [Ji'niflJed] refpects; namely, the Time, the due Time to be now come, That therefore, Now glorify me, with a Glory upon a far higher ac– count due, It was to !hew, That until this Now of finifhing this Work ofRe– demption, that Glory otherwife due was lufpended. And it is as if he had faid, Now give me my Native Original Due upan thy meer Decree, and confl:ituting me God-Man, and not at all depending upon my Merit or Work; but give me my Perianal Due, which had been fufpended till now, but which now is due: When I fhall have performed that Work thou didfl: command and impofe upon me, which finifh'd, Now befl:ow that other upon me. Here was Ingenuity to the heighth, not to ask his native Due, nor fpeak a Word ofit, till he had performed his impofed Service God had (et him. And with this, cloth that of Chrifl: himfelf, L11/;,24.26. mofl: fully accord; 011ght not Ghrifl to havejitjfered,a11d enter into [ Hh J Glory? His Glory, not upon account ofSufi'erings only due to him; but [His] before ever he fuffered, which was abfolutely and perfonally his upon another ac– count, but which he was not (by God's Ordination and his own Content) to emer into, but after Sufferings firfl:, to enter upon it, and polfefs it. And the Parallel ofthclc two Places is oblervable. I. That, as there he fays, He o11gh (firfl) to fi1fir; So here, Now I havejiniflJcd that Work, 2. To enter into Glory there; Glorify me with that Glory here. 3· Into His Glory, there; the Glory which I had afore, and without the conliderarion of this Work, here. And that Word, Enter into His Glory, imports, he then took Poffeffion, and not afore, as Man; and yet in right it was his ; and Sufferings were but the way to it; it was not purchafed by Sufferings: This his Glory was an intrinlecal Glory, not additional. Divers Interpreters have perceived, That the Glory of his Perfon, of God- ~an; or, as they term it~ His !ntrinfecal Glory, is the S~bjefr ofthis, Glorify me; ~;if~~Jiet, tJ# m vtrf 5· But they have not wtthal obferved it with difference from that other Glory prayed for, verf 2. Only 'Bntgenjii had a glimmering ofit in his Expolition,