Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the I(nowled_'l, of (jod tlH' Father, ~on, on verf r. though he feems to have lofl it agatn atierw&rds: hts Weds a-;;, ~· thefe. 'He deduces two things, (G1ys he) why he fhould be glorified: One, Q>.unol,em ' that he IS the Redeemer of Mankmd, and Savtour ofMen, verj. 0,3. The 01her glor;,,&,; .,,_J ' That He is the Eternal Son of God, verf 5· Thus diflinguifheth he, and bu; reatur quo . . in eo fit glod:l 111 n light touch. :.~~~t~~~:;,u~~:~ 3· the Differences between the~e two Glories, Perfonal and t:'l~d_iatory, are , 1uod fit Re- many and great Ones. 1 takenottce of the grand One ofall,and us m the_ Text, cempw hu_- There is a Phrale wluch doth m the htghe([ manner defcnbe, wherem thts per– ~a~~n~~~:~~:•s, fonal Glory, the very Efifnce of it cloth confift, Glorify me [with thme own jelf.J Salvator, )lerf This fo momentous a Claufe, is diverted, to note only the Pbce whtrein he ~:jd fi~~:,~~-"' would be glOiifie?, [Glorify me, with tl:y !elfin Heaven,' where Thou art] as ""'Dei Fdh,, fpoken m oppo!inon unto [I have glorified thee on Earth.] Others rhus, l leek not worldly Glory, bot Glory with thy fclf: All which do dilate the Spirit and r<m>t glod'm Life ofthis Phrafe. But our Cartrvright and Gerarddo interpret it of Goa', •glo– ~'"m P";' rifying him, in, and with, and by the Glory God Himfelf had, and with that ~,"~~;~~"~ Glory alone, abflratled from all other Things whatfoever. Chri[t praying for nempi '·"~' that wherein the Spirit, the Eilemial Subflance of his Glory and Ble{!ednefs ly– 'i:~~,:~~o;:· in cth, even in thine own Self; 0 Father,Gionfy me with thine own Self. I\lot only Ve.b~ g ' fignif} ing his de!irc to be glorified conjunClly, both together, He as well as the Father ; that is, That as God the Father had hitherto betn glorified : So, that now H imfelf, that had been hitherto debafed, might now be glorified alfo,accor– ding as in Job. 5· 03. That all Men might ho11o11r the Son, tu they honour the Father. But rhe[e are fhort of Chrifl's De!ires, and Aims here; who leeks the utmoit of Glory. But it further notes, r. That Glory which the Human Nature bath in God, and from God, and him alone. This both that Parallel place confirms, Job. I3.32. IfGod be glorified in him, God JbaU alfo glorifj him in bimfelf, and fbaU jlraightway glorifj him. lt is one and the f.1me Glory he prayed for there and here; and ex– preiled by the fame Phrafe: Only then, the Time when he pra}·ed that, of his being glorified,was further off, though [flraightway ], perhaps wtthin a few Months, or Days: So it was when that Sermon was made. But here, bccaufe the Ttme was approached, and the [flraightrvap] run out; He therefore here [ays [Notv J Glorifj me: But 'ris one and the fame glorifying. And in the 131h Chapter, 'ris God'J Glor)', Glorify him in Himfelf: but here 'ris, Glorify me with thine one ftlf; the former Phrafe explaining this other. In Rom. 1 5· 7· 'tis faid, That Chrifi received us to the Glory ofGod, that is, to the Participation ofthat Glory which is to be had in the blelled God alone, whereofhimfdfwas perfonal– ly and originally the Proprietor and Inheritor, and we Co-Heirs with Chrifl, Heirs ofGod, Rom.8.r7. He communicating it unto us·by his Right; according as he l.1ys after in his Prayer, Job. 17. 22. .And tbe Glor}' wbich tho~t ga1;eji me, I have given them; that the}' ma}' be One, even m we are One. Who was it fir([ brought up feeing and enjoying God immediately? Chrill: the Son of God, be was the founder of that way of Bleifednefs. There are two Pf;lmJ made of Chrifl, the I 6th, and the ood. The firfi 'Peter cites, At1J 2. Andfo appiies it unto him, as not meant ofDavid, but ofChrifl. The other, which is the Sto– ry of his being Crucified, beginning, MJ God, myGod, whJ haft thou forfai<fn me i &c. This latter, after the fad rehearfal of his Crucifixion, tells us of the Fruit and Confequence ofthat his Mediation, when performed as to himltlf: So to his whole Seed, from verf 2 2. to the end. And this was the Glory that fol– lowed (as Peter !peaks, I Pet. r. I r.) the Glory of his Mediation. But that o– ther I 6th Pfalm runs in another flrain, and comforts himfelf with another manner · of Glory, which fhould accrue to himfelf, as verf. 5· The Lord if my Portion and Inheritance. And it is the Enjoyment of this God alone, after his Afcenfion, he. predicates as his highe([ Happinefs, verf. I I. Tho1t wiltJbew me the Path ofLife : In thy Prefence h flfllneft of JoJ'; at th}' right Hand there are Pleajitm for evermore. And this high Enjoyment ofGod, he brought up: None had, or fhould have fetn God at any Time, had not he fir([ done it. And this is the Jingle Glory of his Pcrfon, as God-Man, which be prays for here in thefe Words. And