Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

andh/8 Son !fefus C!Jri(l. i39 ------------~~~----------------~ Calvin well obferves concerning Chrifl:'s praying in this Chapter; That he be- ~-.. ing entred into the very Inwards of Heaven, had afore his Eyes the fecret and Chap. 6-. hidden Counfels of God, and prays at the rate thereof, and urgeth his Father l..fV"';.J therewith : And as I underfbnd it ( fubmitting it) he utters in the Palfages I have (elected ; the very order of God·s Counfels about us, and the Motives drawn from his own and his Son's Interefr, as it frood in God's Elefring ; firfr, of Chrifr, then of us. The Pajfagu are in verf 6. I have manifefted thy Name to the Men thou gave{t me out of the World, [THINE THEY' WERE, .AND THOV GAVE~T THEM o'JJ1E]. . Veri. ro. .And I am glorifed in them. · Ver( 22. .And the Glory which tho11 gaveft Me, I have given them. Veri. 24. Father, I will, that they aifo whom thou haft given me, may be where I am, that they may behold my Glory which th01< haft given me. And my general Method in opening each of thefe, as to this my purpofe, !hall be this. Firfl, To explain the words of each of thefe Verfes in their order. Secondly, To !hew wherein the force of the Motives drawn from Chrifl's In– terefr in our Election, contained in thofe feveral Paifages, cloth lie; whereby he moved his Father, that according to his own Eternal Purpofes made in Chrifr concerning us, in his choice of us, he would grant that Vnion (which is the end of our Election ) ordained for US. Unto the firfr, I premife and defire, this frill to be remembred ~nd carried a– long, That all thofe Palfages, and the Motives therein contained, do, in a more efpecial manner, refer unto, and depend on, that perfonal Glory of Chrifl, fpoken of upon that fifth Verfe, (which bath been opened) firfr laid and fuppofed as the Head and Foundation of them all ; as the top-link whereon thefe fucceeding Palfages I have tingled out, do, as fo many Links of a Golden Chain, hang, and in an orderly way depend; namely, that upon the Glory of the perfonal Union of Chrifr, God-Man, firfr ordained by God, ( which there– fore in the 5th Verfe, Chrifr in praying for himfdf had forebid ) ; and from which (os firfl fuppo(ed ) thefe principal Motives, made on our behalf for our Union and Glory, receive their Srrength and Enforcement, as ordained us in the Election of us, with a relation to, and for the Interefr of Chrifr. And perhaps, that in the' very opening and explanation of the words of each of thefe Paflages, there will appear, couched, this very Point of Chrifr's having been firfr ordained as God-Man : And I !hall, for the prefent, content my !elf with thofe; or at leaf! 'twill be feen, how f.1irly they comply with the Notion thereof, ( and herein I profefs a modefly ) ; However the opening the words, each in that plain fenfe and genuine meaning of them, ( as it prefems it felf in that Dilu Light I have about them ) will ferve unto the difcovery, wherein the force of them, as they are Motives, fhould lie, Veri. 6. Thine the• were, and thou gavefl them me. !~ Paffag' 1" '/ :J" l"J.otzve znt :;e Here in order, next unto the Perfonal Glory ordained to Chrifl in God's De– crees, is his mention of an Election of other Perfons of Mankind ( Chrifr in– /lancing in the Apoflles for the refr) to be Followers, Companions, Conforts of his; That Chrifr might not be alone, nor partaker of his Glory wholly and only to himfelf; when the Father gave unto the Second Perfon, as he was con– lidered God-Man, and as he fuflained the Perfonage of God-Man; and whom he commended unto him to be his, and this from Everlafring. When one bath a Son that is marriageable, he thinks of a Wife, a Companion for him ; And thus the Father did for his Son, and chofe the Perfons whom, and gave them him. . r. [Thine J; Thine by thy Election of them for me, out of the rcfr of the World: With which, that in ~ Tim; ~. I<j.. correfponds, The Fomtdation of tf.e T 2 · Lord "JVordJ.