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and his Son !fefus [hrift. tion, by Marriage with Him, who is the natural Son; that we become Sons C~ unto God. . . . , . . ~ And befide', what the wctght of thefe Thmgs, re-tpsa~ or m the Thmg it ft:lf have in them; let us but look about us, what Glory Jt IS he !peaks of be– fore, and after in this his Prayer. We find it thrice fpoken of, Fir!t, in verf 5· Secondly, in this 22d verJ Thirdly, in vcrJ 24. And let us view the alpeCl: and correfpondency which thele three Verfes have, and hold one With another; and let us commenfurately expound each of them. I. Let any one attentively reade the 5tbVerfe, .And 11ow, 0 Fathe>-, glorifY thon me tvitb tbine ow1l felf, witb the Glorywbicb 1had with thee before the World was. Then this 22d Verle, .And tbe Glory which thou gaves1me, I have gi– vw tbem: that they"'·'} be One, even a< we dYe 011e. Surely the Glor}' which he f<tid,[had with thee before the World wa<, there, is the fame ofwhich, and upon oecafion of which, he utters, the Glory which th01t gaveff me, here ; and refers to it. Now I have fhewn, that the Glory of his Perfon, as he is God-Man, is meant, the Glory ofwhich the Second Perlon then exiO:ing took upon him: God having predeCrinated him thereunto, and wore it afore his Father : He took on him that Perlon, and correlpondently the Connexion of verJ 22. and ve>f 5· is filled up thus. Thou having·given me that Glory of the Perianal Union, and predeCrinated me to it as proper and peculiar to my Perlon; I being conftitnted fuch by Thee, do freely concur with Thee to give the like Union and Glory pro jilo mod11lo (;:s Bmgen_(i/s word is) to be imparted to them. 2. Let us then look backward, and compare this 22d Verfe with verj'2 4. that follows: There faith he, Tbat they may behold the Glory wbich thmt hajl given me. This certainly is the fame Glory that is meant here, ve>'j.' 22. For he gocth on to prolccute the fame Argument, !peaks ad idem : And there fhews the w~y how that Glory fhould be actually communicated to them, and they have it in Poilef– fion; which Glory here in the 22d Verfc, he faith, he had given them by way of Right and Donation : And the way to polfels it, according to the intent of his giving, is let out to be by their beholding his Glory, in verJ 24. Now what Glory of his is that? It is the Glory of his Perfon, that of God dwelling in the Human Nature, the Beams whereof break forth there; and that is his fubCramial or perianal Glory, as he is God-Man: And that's it which his Difciples lirw, ']ohn r. 18. As ofthe Perfon of him who was the only begotten Son of God; it was the immediate breaking forth, and emanation of the Hypoftatical Union. And fa when he wrought Miracles, which is called his Glory, Joh. 2. I 1. This begim1ing of 1Y[iracles did ']efJH in Cana of Galilee, and manifefted forth his Glo– ry, and his Difcip!es kelteved Oil him. His Miracles were the immediate DemonO:ra– tion that he was the Son ofGod, dwelling in the Human Nature pcrfonally ; as himlclfargues throughout that Golpel againft the ']ews. 3· Again, the fame GIQry in the 5th Verle, and in the 2 4 th Verfe, is meant : For of that in the sth Verle, He faith, It Wd< the Glory he had before the World wa<: And in this 24th Verfe correlpondemly, TheGfory which thou h.'fi given me _. for thou lovedft me before the F6rmd.ilion ofthe World. Which again he adds, as the Foundation ofthe Gift ofthat Glory which he means; even his Love before the World was. So then, i~is the C1me Glory in all three places, which is his perianal Glory, as he is God-Man, and his Union unto that One Perfon, and the immediate confequence th.ereof; and to be manifefted in his very Perfon. !I. Q,!ery. What that Glory is which is given 11<1 therc11pon ? . .Anjwer. It is the Participation ofour Sonfhip-Union with him, in our De– gree and Proportion, which we have from him, and the Glory that flows from him by reafun ofthis, as it fhall in the perfection of it break forth in I-kavcn, m us: Thts IS the Glory which Chrift hath given us. We know chat our Son– fhip and Adoption is called Glory, Rom. 9· 4· and Ro1n. 8. 23 Chrifr's Glo– ry being the Glory of the only begotten Son of God, gave us Power to be Sons. John I. 12. But as many as received him, to them gttve he Power to be– come the Som of God, evw to them that believe on his Name. Compared with veri. I 8. No Man b.rth few God at any time; the only begottm Son, wn.rh is in the Bofom of the p ,,ther, he bath declared him_ And if Som, then Heirs, Co-Heirs of V > Glory