Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the l(no'nlledg, of (jod the Father, ~ 2. U nderfhnd it of him, as now he is attually Man, 'tis faid to be a Gift -;,f Boo K Ill. hiS, and a Gift of his, fuch as his Father's Gift to him had been, Co that ht was ~ free in it, as his Father alfo was in his Gift: And why ? Bccau[e that JefiJs Chrif'r 1 Cor. 2, 8. was the Lord of Glory? as he IS fomenmes called : and thiS IS fpoken of him, even when he was cructfied, 111 that 1 Cor. 2. 8. IVhtch none of the Princes of tbi< World /znew: for had they k!town 1t, they would not h11ve cruciji'ed the Lord of Glory. Anc'# hercfore had Power to difpofe of it as freely, as any Lord hath of what he owns: And his Father, in fetting him up as God-Man, as he gave him to have Life in himftlf, john 5· 26. So a free Power in himftlf to quicken whom he would, as freely as his Father: As it is in 1>erj 2 I. of the fame Chapter: for as the Father raifeth up the Dead, and quickeneth them, even fo the Son quickennh whom he will. And perhaps the:efore it i s he fpeab here in the next words in the manner, as no where elfe, and m no pomt elfe but of thiS; Fathrr I will that thofe which tho11 haft given me, be with me, where I an;, to bclo!d m; Glory; for he out of the freedom and dominion of hisWill, did give it them, as well as his Father. v;Je uffi~"' There is a Q!)cfiion frarted by the Jefuits, Whether Chrifr, as Man, was a ~~,,;::~~~;. meer Executor of his Father's Will,? That Slur they would put upon our Do– id. . chine of God's abfolute limited Decrees, as in the Cafe of Chrifr, Whether he were not an Arbitrary Deiigner of what-ever he cloth himftlf alfo? Which they hold to maintain the Dominion of Free-Will, according to thoir Tcnem. But though they think they have us in a Nooft in this Point, we eafily f1lvo it, by C1ying, That though he as Man, and as God-Man, doth not any Thing, or Act, nor to whom, but thofe'whom his Father's Will is to have him to do: yet that therein he concurs with hi• Father, as fi·eely as the Father himf<:Jf; and therefore 'tis his free Gift, as well as his Father's. To go no further to confirm this Anfwer, than that ofjohn 5· 21. For ai the Father raifeth 11p the D ead, a11d quicf«;tteth them; even fo the Son quic/zneth whom he wiU. And this he fpeaks of himfclf, as he is the Son of ~an, as 'tis expre!fed, verf 2 7. - .Ar.d bath giun hitn Authority to cxecltle j~tdgme11t alfo, beca11Je he ii the Son of M""· And yet he pro– fdicth to do nothing of himfelf without the.Father, verf 19. Tlen anfwercd Je– fiH, and [lid 11nto them, Verily, verily 1 f'Y unto you, The Sou ctm do 1wtiJing of limfc!f, but n·hat he feeth the Fat/,er do : For whatfoever thingi he doth, thefe aljO dotb the Son lif«:wifc. He indeed did not firfr Name the Perfi:ms, but his Father named them to him, and gave them to him; yet whom his Father did give to him, he gives this Glory to; and 'tis a free concurrent Act with his Father, both to confent to the Name, and the Gift, as free as his Father's was out of a fpecial Lo,·e: Let us therefore honour Chrifl fo far, as to fay, that his Hand, his Vote, his Suffrage went unto, 'and was requi!ite to all thefe Things as well as his Fa– ther's: Yea, and therefore, thofe Apoflles of whom, in vcrf6. of this 17th Chapter, he faith, Tho11 gavejl them me 011t of the World, are yet faid to be cho– fen by him, as well as by his Father. (The Apoflles were, by the Choice and Will of God, and Chrifr, Gal, I. 1. Paul a11 Apojile, 11ot of Mm, neither by Matt, but by jefm Chriji, and God the Father, who raifed him from the Dead). And though fame may C1y, that, as Aroillcs indeed, in ref'pcct of their Office, they were cho[cn by Chrifr, as Man, as well as by the Father ; and fo indeed that Speech of hi,, in the 16tk of john, i<to be underfrood : Yea, but in ]oh. 15. 19. Chrifr is faid to have chofen them in refpect of Salvation : If you were of tlc World, tbe World would lt!ve t;, orrm; b11t beca11je ye are not of the World, /.11t I have chofeJt JOII 011t of the World, therefore the World hawh ;o11. You· mufl know, that j udai was gone out whenChrifl fpake thefe words, and his Eleven Elect DJfc1ples were left alone wuh !urn. Clmf'r had g•ven him hlS Doom and Sentence, John 15. 6. If a Ltlan abide 11ot in me, he is caft forth as a Branch, and is n•itl.'cred, and MetJ gather them, at:d caft tbem into the Fire, and they are burned. But I have you now only alone with me, whom I f'peak thefe Things to ; who ore to be, and fhall he etemally Cwed, verf 3· Now ;ott are clean, &c. T01t ore not of thii World; veri. 19. i!.ti(J 1have chafe yott 0111 ofthe World: And yet fome of thc[c were called favingly, before he faw them hy Face; for Come of them were john's Difciples, converted firfl by him: But howev'er, Jefus Chrifl had ehof'cn them !irfi ; that is, The Man Jefus had done it ; and then the End and IJiire