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arid fJis Son !fefus Chrifi. ibi adored ; and for what ufe or end. Their Fancies indeed ran upon many Lords,~ and Mediators many; and thole dead Mens Souls: but the Apoflle prefents Chap. 8. them ini1eadof theirs, with one great Mediator, according to the Chrii1iari ~ Profeffion; and Him, though a Man railed from the Qead, yet fttch a Lord, as being more than a 'Man, was not a Mediator only betwixt that one God and them ( a11d we by him) but was a Lord over, yea, a Founder of all Things elle, together with God, One Lord by ;vhom are all Thmgs.. And thus he out-!hoots them infinitely in the maine11 Pnnc1ples of thetr Heltgton they doted on, and accounted their Glory and highe11 Wifdom. In the next place I come to manifefr the Fitnef, Fulnef, and Slljficiency of this Perfon, Chrifr, God-Man, or of the Son of God united into one Perfon lVitb a Man, to bear and fitfl,tin this Office of one Lord ; both in relation untd' all Thi11gs to be by him; and e(jetially to"' the EleU. Let it be remembred, rhat this difcourfe of Cbrijl's fonej in this place, is wholly confined unto that Notion in general of his Lor!hip, as in the univerfal extent thereof over all Tbings ; but what is proper to fet forrh his FitnejJ' to be the Head of .Ange/7; and more particularly as an Head and Jlcdeemer for Men. s" tb• s,·. The difcovery of that fitnefs IS to fucceed m ItSproper place, when R.edemption mow on Eph. comes to be handled, as that fitnefs of his Perfon is fuited to that Work of R.e- ~.•;~;,;;~~f! dernption. for th~ J.Vo~~ If we (the Chofen of God) and all Things, were able to fpeak, as they are !.~;t;'G; brought .in [peaking at lal1, Rev. 5· r I. and were permtttcd to give their Voices to defign forth and chufe One, ( and but one Perfon, as the Text fpeaks) to be the Vniverfol Lord, they nor we could delire no other ; none but this :Perfon of God-M•n, thus coufrituted and made up as he is, and is now to be fet forth. The All·fufficiency that is in this Perfon for this Office, tlie Narrative thereof proceeds on thus. I. Though in refpefl: of the Office it felf, he that is to have it, is faid to be made, that is, appointed, as ~oming under God's Will appointing ; yet in his Perfun, as the Foundation of it, it was abfolutely necea:1ry, he be one that is not made, that is, not a meer Creature: One that had been but a meer Subject of God's, according to that Tenure of the Law of Creation only, had not had an intriniecal Worth and Dignity in his Perfon, to fill up and carry forth this his Office of Lord!hip with port and comely Honour enough, nor fuitably to that place. For, he mull: be fo ovsr the Creature, as that himfelf m_ight chal– lenge Wor!hip and Honour from the Creature as their Lord, as truly and ju111y, as God the Father, in that he Was to be One whom all things !hould depend upon, as well as upon the Father : In whole Perfon alto a Demoni1ration might be given, how great a God, God the Father was in his diftance from the Crea– .ture, in that he that was his appointed Lord, fhould yet naturally hold fo great a Sovereignty over all his Creatures. Who ever had been but amade Perjlm, and a made Lord too,and wholly both, he were too mean 11uff to make God's Lord of· that is, fuch a one Lord, as this Text lets out, and which became God to fet up~ His Perfon mull: be able to bear and to fill up his Lord!hip and Dominion, tor elfe he would but fall into the fame !lank with thole many Lords the former Verfe fpeaks of; yea, if you would fuppofe one fo ft1blimated, as to be the Spirit of the whole Creation; and in whom the feveral Species of the whole were, by way of Eminency, contained and comprehended ; and out of whom as an Elixir, they all might be extrafl:ed, ( as fame philofophize concerning ou; Chrift); yet ftill, in that he were but only made, his di!lance from meer No– thing, were but the v~ry fame .that his Inferior Fellow-Creatures have, he could never have been a midjt between God and them, becaufe in his Perfon he held not a proportionable di11ance between God and them ; and thereby he had bee11 as fubjefl: by his Original Malu; and Conftitution, to the f.1me mutability and weaknefs that any other of the Creatures were; and fo would have proved b~t a meer Q!lck·fand, to the 11p~olding and bearing up the weighr of all Things Th• ph,,•(<, that were to be founded on hu)l, and depend upon h1m. Look then, as in the H<b... '· Cafe of Man's Redemption, like as Men that had Infirmity, wrre laid alide for Y the