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and h/8 Son ffefus Chrifl; hi< Glory, the Glery as of the only begotten of the Father) fit!! of Grace and Truth. r>...AJ"'I No Jv[an bath ften God at any ti111e, the only begotten Sov, which i< in the Bofom of Chap. 8. the Father, he bath declared him. And fo truly, a Perfon to whom of fpecial ~ right this Honour, as conferred, cloth belong: ThiS Title of Lord was not to be fevered from the Natural Heir ; not fo, as that one Perfon fhould be the Natural Lord by Inheritance, and anotl1er made Lord, and Chrill:, by Decre~ and Appointment, upon this account alfo, that ll:ill there mull: be but one Lord. And therefore he who had a natural Right to be Lord, as Heir of all Things, and he who was made fo by Decree, and Appointment, mull: meet in one and the fame Perfon. And as for the Pretenfion of the Third Perfon, the Holy Gholl:; fo it was in God"s Defign, that he that was to be this Lord, was to have fuch a multitude of EleCl: to be united to him, as he mu!t be a Perfon, who was able to give and fend the Spirit himfelf to make that Union, and to effe{l: all for him, and corn– pleat all from him; John 16. I 5· Ail things the Ft~thcr hath, arc mine; therefore 1 faid, that he (the Spirit) Jha/1 tal<! of mine, a11d jhew it to yo11. And again, the Intcndment of ereCl:ing this Office of Lordfhip, being, that God might have an outward R.eprefentative of himfelf, or a vilible Adminill:ra– tion of all Things, and to whom the whole Creatton fhould owe their Subli– llence, and their All ; and accordingly he was to be owned and honoured by them, and at the fame rate that God is: Hence therefore, for this Honour, God comelily fingled forth, and conll:itutes, this Son to be that Perfon that was next himfelf, as Fathers ufe to do their Sons. God the Father fo loveth the Son, that he jheweth and revealeth all of himftlf to him, John 5· 20. and bath committed all }11dgment to him, vifibly to be adminill:red by him ; and that with this profelfed Purpofe and Intent, That all Men (yea, and Angels, and the whole Creation) might Honc11r the Son, as they Honmtr the Father, John 5· 20, 23. So then, the Son is he that is made this Lord under our one God the Father. We have feen, which of the three Perfons was fittell: for this Lordfhip. Now, 2. As to what fort cf the Creatures, (we are !lill, as was prefaced, in the fuppofition of all Things as yet to be decreed, and fo conlidered by God in the forelight of his fimple Intelligence) fhould be meetell: to be taken up in this high Priviledg of one Lordfhip. It fo pleafed our Great and Wife God, as to fingle forth the Nature of Man ; Not in order only to the Work of Redemption of us Men, (that is, but one Branch of this his Work and Office) but in order to his being Lord ofaU1hings, he took that Nature of Man to chufe; yea, it is f.1id, That fo it became hint, (namely God) for whom are all Things, and by whom are aU Things; fo to do: in Heb. 2. 10, 14, 15, 16, 17,18 Verfes, For it became him, for whom a>·e all Things, and by whom are all Things, in bringing many Sons unto Glory, to mak.p the Captain of their Salvation perfUI through Sujfirings. Forafo11tch tben M the Chil– dren are Partalws of Fief/; a11d Blood, he alfo himfelf li~wife took. part of thefame: that through Death, he might dejlroy him that had the Power of Death, that is, the Devil; A11d deliver them, who thrmtgh fear of Death, were all their lift-time fob– je{;f to Bondage. For verily he took. not on him the Nature of Angels ; but he took. on him the Seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to he made /if<.! unto hi< Brethren; that he might be a mercijitl and foitbjit! High Priefl, in things pertaining to God, to"'·'~ reconciliation for the fins of the People: For i11 that he himfelf bath fojfired, being tempted, he 1s able to {itccour them that are tempted, And although God did thus defign and determine, in a more eminent refpeCl: to Man"s Salvation, (which was the occafion of what he there fpeaks of this, That he took on him, Not the Nature of Angels, b11t the Seed of Abraham ) ; yet it is withal faid, That that great God, of whOfJt, and for whom are all things, (which is the Preface to that more eminent part for which Chril1 was ordained, namely, Man's Redemption) had together in his Eye at once all Things, and all Ends and Dejigns of his what-ever, as that Phrafe [for whonz are all Things] tmports ; whiles he !peaks of his ordaining him to be a Redeemer for Man ; and accordingly it became him to extend to, or rather grafp in, a refpea unto Y 2 all