Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

IJnd hi.r So'Ji !fejus[htifi. chofen Shaft a meerful univerfal Engine, Adequate to all my Purpofes and ~'-""" Thoughts, ; fuflicient Gro~nd-work and Foundation for any manifell:arion of~ himfelf he fhould defire to make. So as I need not to go out of hrm, or leave him o11t ;, any thi1tg I have a mind to do. And all this, over and above, or befides, his being my Delight in his Perfon unto my felf, whorri alone and fimp!y i delighted in for hinilelfalone, which there follows, I war hit Drlight,.&c. Thus was he appointed Lord of all, as fitted and fluted, both to, God and hiS.Whole Creation, and the Defigns thereof; whtch to be meant of htm, as God-Man, f have (I hope) elfewhere made evident. And thisis no other than that which j afore obferved, to be get;erally the Senfe ofthe }ewifb Cabalijlt, who [peak on this wife of the .:JI1ejfius; Th"t he it " Treajim, in which God, or Jehovah, hath hid all the Richer he meant tocom– numirate unto 111. .Andf urther, to be the gre(/t Steward, and Governo11r under God Jehovah, No11rijhing, Cherifhing, and Dijpenjing all : With which this Scripture in the 'Proverbt agreeth. · CHAP. IX. That all Things do depend upon Chrijl as One Lord; as God-Man, as rve/1 as upon the Father, as One God. {jod's Eternal 'Purpofes concerning the TPhole Creation rveremade in Chrifl, aJ God-M an. 'By him Cjod made the World. The more peculiar Vependance, rvhich the E:lef1 haile on [hrift, God– Man, as their Head. They hold of him the Te– nure of a Spiritual 'Being, ahoile rvhat they had by Creation, and of all Supernatural 'Bleffings and 'Benefits. 1 Cor. 8. 6. --'Bj w!Jom are an thi11gs, andwe by hiJn. 'V E have feen what the import of this high Title, One Lord, is ; and that in this Place it denotes an Office put upon him as God – Man, and the fitnefs of that Perfon alone, for this Vniverfil Office, or DignitJ. I am as yet but upon Generals, which lead on to many Particulars that are to follow, and at large to be difcourfed, and beaten out : I intending,God affifting, to dilate upon all, or the mofr Particulars\ wherein Chrifr, conlidored as God– Man, is found fubfervient unto God his Father, in and for the giving being to, and effeCl:ing of, all his Works ad extra; or which are out of Himlel£ But the prefent Purpofe on this Text is to touch rather upo'n two Generals, according as Chri(t's Lordiliip is divided. Firfr;