Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

J66 ~ Boo Kill. ~ Of tbe 1\!!orvledg of {jod the Father, Firfl:, His Rel.uion unto all Things what ever they be that are di!linct from the IVe. All Things in Nature or Providential. The lecond is, What concerns the Elect either in their Supernatural Being and new Con!litution ofthem; in a Word, what they are, they are by Him, the whole ofthem, and what Belongs to them Supernaturally. I come to the Firfl:. For we mufl: remember that this Mediation-Work_between God and Man, is but one part of his Lord!hip, although the greate{l for mo– ment and Glory : but it further contains a Commiffion from God, to be a Lord over all Things: as 'Petet· fpeaks, .At1s ro. 36. as that which is another part of it. And again, a Lord not only over all things to rule, and govern, and order them for God, and under God, when they !hall be once 1nade; but with aCorn– million from God, for the making of them, by virtue ofthat his Office which was given him, long afore the Creation it felf; that although the Second Perton did only perfonally then fubfifl:, yet he bore, or fu!lamed the Perfonage ofGod'Man, in the very Creation it {elf: All thele you have full in the Text, in that Title One Lord. And then his Lor!hip is parted into two Adminifl:rations, and Com– miffions; one towards AU Things, the other towards Vs: And that towards AU Things, extending to their very Beings; by whom are AU Things: Even by whom all Things are, what they are,or any way !hall ever be, from the firfl: Foundation– Stone of Being, unto the full perfection of them. And thefe being wrapt up here but in Generals; I !hall therefore do no more, but for the confirmation ofthis firfl: Head, give one General Proof, comprehen– five of.All Things: And which afcendsfar higher, than to prove Chrift's being only infl:rumemal to the execution ofAll ; but further, that God's Eternal Pur– poles concerning all Things, were made in Chrifl: as the Forge, or Machine, in which they were all formed. And this, if proved, we mufl: needs acknowledg the dependance of all Things upon this One Lord, to be great indeed ; when God's very Purpofes of them !hall be found to be in Him. And therefore !lill, that Him!elfwas purpofed firft; and this Dependance is Superior, and Meta– phylica! (as I may fo fpeak) unto his being the Executor, or Admini(l:rator of them all ; for his Purpofes are the Supream Caule, and Original of all Things. And therefore in that foie In!lance, I !hall over and above make good, that all Things are thr011gh him indeed. I !hall now in this general Part ofmy Difcourfe, alledg but one Scripture for this Head : And add, for the proofof the Creation of all Things to have been through him, a neighbouring Text thereunto, bordering upon it: Which will be fuflicient in this l\iletaphyfical Part to have performed, as touching this Head. I. God's Eternal Purpofes'concerning all Things, were made in Chri!l, as God-Man. God's Eternal Purpofes concerning the Creatures, or his Works that are out of, or without Himftlf, are immanent Acts of God's, remaini,ng in Himfel£ And yer God fo honoured this our One Lord, as not to pur– polc any Thing which was to be out of Himfelf, ad extra, without the contemplation of his being God-Man, on whom (as fuch ) all Things !hould depend. In Fpf.ej. 1. 9· it is expre!ly faid, Which he p11rpo[ed in him[elf: involving tha, in his very Purpoles of working all Things what– foever, as well as his Purpofts of Grace to his Elect; as appeareth by com– paring verf. 1 r. in whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predejlinated according to the Purpofe of him wbo worJ:..eth all Things after the Cotmftl of his own Will. And in like manner, Chap. 3· I r. of the fame Epi!l!e, it is faid, Acrcrd' ing to the Eternal P11rpoft which he had [ 1nade J ( fo in the Original)- in J efte Chrijl 011r Lord: Which Purpofes there, as to the Object Matter of them, do m like manner involve, and take in all the various goings forth of God, of what kind