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and ht8 Son fefus Chrifl. kind loever even the whole Syflem of God's Works, wherein and whereby ~ the manifold Wifdom of ~od had, before-hand, contrived to manifeft God by; Chap. 9· for that is the Matter tmmed~ately afore treated of, 111 the Verfe fore-going,~ Verf. 10. To the intent that now, unto the Pn~apahtt~J and Power.t in Heavenly Plaa 1 , might be l;norvn by the Ch~trch, the manifolcl Wifdo"' of God. And unto this it is, thH thofe word.s cited out o_f verf. 1 I. do relate ; t.hat is, the whole ~~o;~~:~Yro~ Oeconomy and Difpenlauon of God m the Works of Creauon, Providence, · Government of this World, and c;>f hts Church httherto under the Old Tejlament; being now fet together, wtth the Work of R.edemptton performed by Jefus Chrifl, and under the Times of the Gofpel begun to be difcovered; and thereby being all viewed, in one profpect, by the Angels, who before had but by peace-mea\ been the curious Obfervers of all ; and each all along, oblerving, and laying ([ill, each in their Heans, as they had pa!fed, and been aCl:ed ; but then it came to pafs, by the difcovery of the Gofpel, that the infinite, various, or manifold Wifdom of God in the whole, broke!forth in the Perfon uf Chriil:, to thtir admiration and afl:onifhment, that all had been purpofed in him, even all th~fe Purpofes what-ever, of one as well as of the other. It is there laid, That they were made in 1efi11 Chrift, as he ts our Lord, verf 10, 1I. To the intent that now 11nto the Principalitiet and Power! in Heavenly Placet, might be /znown by the Chllrch, the manifold Wifdont of God; according to the. Etemal P~trpofe which he p~trpo[ed in Chrift 1efiu Oltr Lord. So as thts was 1t whtch became the Matter of th'e wonderment to them, to fee and behold how both theirs, and our Lord Chriil:, was made the Centre of them all; and that the Works, yea, the Ptirpofes of them in God's Heart, about Creatio11, Providence, and all fort~ of work~, wherein the manifold Wildom of God had fo appeared ; all Di[penfations to the Jews, ( the Church of Old) and now the Calling of the New Church, the Gentiles, were founded all in this one God-Man Jefus Chriil:. For the concluding of this, there are three Things particularly and emi– nently obfervable to my purpofe, out of thole words, and their coherence. The firft; That all thole leveral forts of Purpofes, arc termed but one jngle P11rpo[e ; for fo in the Original it is in the fingular Number, all being but one Act in God, and all made in one and the Jefus Chri!l:; and as one fingle Purpofe, though comprehending a whole Syfleme and Lump of Pur– pofes. 2. The Phrafe [made] is ufed concerning this one big Purpofe; [Made 1 (which is the Phrafe) in 1efiu Chrift. - Obferve, I fay, concerning it, that whereas in the former Chapter, verf. 9· you read, that God pnrpofed all in hitJJjelf; yet here, that he made th~ fame purpofe in Chriil:, even as when it fhould, and did come to the execution; it is faid, That all thingt are by and through this one Lord, as well as of one God : As they are coupled jointly in execution, [o in Purpoles : Only as the Apoil:le, in another Cafe, fays of him, The purpofe of making and ordaining Chriil: him- . felf, in whom all elfe are, muil: necefiarily be excepted. 1\.nd this notes out, that they were made in him, as he was made Lord and Chrifl ; as 'Peter, Acts 2. · 36. 'Therefore let all the Houfe of Ifrael /,pow aflitred/y, that God bath made that fame 1efiu whom }'e have crucifed, both Lord and Chrift. They were verified all in Cbrift, as the French phrafe is, of the Sanction to their Laws: So all God's Purpofes taken up in God's own Heart and Bofom, are laid to be made in Chri!l:, they had their ratification in Chriil:, God brought them to a firm lubfiil:ence and ultimate refolvednefs, in and through his Chrift as a Lord. For, feeing all thmgs purpofed, were to be brought into Exiil:ence by him ; therefore the Honour God gave him in his very Decrees, was, . that the very Purpofts of them, are laid to be made in him; without whom, they would, as to the effect and i!fue of them, have been in vain: He being prefent, and by, and under– taking to effect them all ; therefore they are from the very firil: purpofed in him. So as all God's Eternal Purpofes depended on this Lord. The third Thing I obferve is, That to fhew this Univerfal Dependence of all God's Purpofes on his one Chrifl, he anfwerably mentions all his Titles. 1. Of