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170 Of the K.!zorvledg, of Cjod the Father--;-- ~ BooK Ill. Now all, and the whole of this Supercreation-State we have by .Hirn, are re- '-~ ducible unto two principal Heads.. . Firl1, What we are, or rather, That we are, or are endowed with a new Supercreation-Being. , · . Secondly, The Endowments which that Being_ is invel1ed withal, or the Super– creation-Benefits that appertain, and belong to tt. And both thefe, and all ofthefe, we are by Him, he is the Foundation of All we are, or have. 1. He is the Founder of a new Supercreation-Being, which is the fubjell: of all Benefits bellowed : As God's giving Adama Natural Being after his Image, that was the fubjefr, and recipient ofall the Bleffings he enjoyed; and a Thing di– ilin,frly to be con!ldered of. Ws commonly fay when a Subject hath been raifed up unto a great El1ate, Ho– nours, Offices, whereunto he bath a legal Right, given him by his Prince, in whofe Power it alone was to inveft him therewith, we ufe in like manner of Speecq unto this here, to exprefs it; That what he is, he is by him: And therefore call him, Hi1 Creature. Which is but Tranflatitious; when yet he bad not his very Being from his Prince, but from his Parents it was he came to have that Exil1ence, which is tbe Subject; or the Perfon, unto whom all thefe Priviledges do b.elong. But this our Chril1, is not only the Founder of our Right to all thole Supernatural, Supercreation-Benefits; but God bath alfo founded for us in him,_ a Supercreation-Being, and Exil1ence; (and not only that aCl:ual Exil1ence we have from him) when we are made new Creatures: A Workmanfhip created. in Chrift Jefus, more truly than the Child may be fa id to be formed, and fafhion'd in the Mother; and the Foundation ofhis Being, lay in her Womb: And it is this new Creature, fuperinduced o're the Natural Perfon, which is the S~tbjdhm• ofthe firl1 Creation : which in Scripture ii termed the Man. Col. 3· 10. P11t on the new i\1an, after the Image ofhim that created him: namely Chril1, the Creator ofit; That'1theMan, and the Him in theApoftle's Account. And obferve the Language the Apofile ufeth, when he fpeaks of himfelf, 2 Cor. I 2. I k.,new a Man in Cbrift, &c. verf 2, Of jitch a Man I will Glory, but of my Jelf I will not Glory, ver( 5· And yet it was himfelfhe fpake of; but he reckoned not himli:lf by the Creation-Roll, but what he was in the King's Book; no nor of the new Creature neither would he Glory, but as it was in Chrift : and fo it had a Being. But further, we had a Supercreation-Exiftence given us in Cbrift, afore the World was; which was the Foundation ofthe new Creature, and which makes us thus capable of all thofe Benefits, which were then alfo, and therewith given. And Supcrcreation-Bcnefits, mull have a Supercreation-Being, or State ofBeing given them, fuperior to our firft Creation-Being, and the Benefits thereof; which in God's Decrees we were appointed unto, ag well as naturally to exill: by virtue ofwhich we come to have a Title unto thofe Bleffings. For ifour firll Creation-Members were all written in God'1 Book., of his Purpofes, fo all the Members, which are the various Graces, the new Man or Creature coniifts of, they were all written in God's everlal1ing Purpofes: Yea, and all the Bleffings that belong to this new Creature, are altogether therewith given us in Chril1 ; as is exprefs in 2 Tim. 1.9. Who bath faved 111, and called ru with an holy CaUing; not according to our Worf<!, but according to hi1 ow" P11rpoji and Grace, which wM given 111 in Chrift Jeflu before the World begun. The Work in God's calling us, is the forming the new Creature in our Hearts ; 11iled therefore there, an Holy Calling, as working Holincls: And this Fonndation-Bleffing is faid to have been given us in Chrift, according to his Purpofe ofGrace ii1 Chrift, that was afore the World began ; and they could r.ot be fi1id to have been given ns in Chril1, unle(s we were conGdered fome way or other in Chrift then. God did not take up naked Purpofes of Grace, and Good-Will to us, with a firm Intent and R.efolution to beflow thofe Bleffings on us: T hough his Purpofes are as Mountains of BraG, as the Prophet fpeaks, Zech. 6. I. But he was pleafcd to fix, and ratifY them 10 h1s Chril1; and in like manner [Vs], and our Perfons he founded then in Cbnfl, and