Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

172 Of the l(norvledg of (jod the Father, ~Sons, Heirs ofGlory; an unchangeable Love of God to us, and of an immuta· ~ bility of our Love, and of perfeCt 1-lolinds in us umo God again. 2. The fecond fort of Benefits are thole that are Supernatural in refpetl: unto our finful, corrupt, miferable Efiate we are fallen into, and delivered out of: Such as are Pardon ofSin, J ufiification, and a Ref\auration of that Original Ho– linefs we !of\, and had once in .Ad•m; togethe~ wnh that htgh fuperinduClion ofthe Image of Cbrifi in his dying, and rifing; which involves in it the Origi· nal Holinefs we had once in .Adam, conformable to the Holy Law. Thefe [ call purely Redemption-B!eilings, and may wholly be called Supernatural, as aforefaid. And thete two forts ofBenefits, as they are apparently diflinCl: in themfelves. fo anfwerably they have a diflinCl: Foundation in Chrifl. For ' The firfl fort have their Foundation in his very Perfon, through a given Rela– tion of us ro him, and him to us; and thefe are abflraa:Iy confidered from Re– demption, or the Benefits belonging thereunto, and purchafed thereby: So as God giving us unto him, and he accepting us for his Body, and to be one with us for ever ; even by virtue of this Relation there is a wonderful Sphere, and round ofB!eilings, which have a Foundation thereby, and might have had, if God had fo pleated, if Men fhould never have fallen : And although Man falling, God decreed that other fort of Redemption-Mercies; yet fo, as thefe firfl fort were originally decreed, as being more glorious; without the conGderation of the Fall. And though (as I acknowledg) they were upon Man's Fall, purcha– fcd all anew, upon the account of Redemption ; 'et the Interefl of his Perfon, and our very Relation to his Perfon, ( as aforefaid ) was in the Original Decree ofGod about us, and continues to be the main Foundation, with a diflinCl: con· fidcration from thole ofRedemption, of our right unto thofe Bleffings, although· alto purchafed by Redemption, fa as for us to have a double Title to them. The fecond fort ofBenefits are wholly by virtue ofRedemption,and flow from the Merits, and Influence of the ACl:s thereof; and wholly fa arife from an acqui· red Intereflofhis Obedience, Death, Refurrellion, &c. And again, although the Merit that purchafed thefe Benefits, do wholly arife from the Worth and Dignity of his Perfon; as namely his Death, and Blood, that it was the Blood . ofGod ; and the Obedience ofhim that was offered up by the Eternal Spirit, the Godhead in Him, and is therefore called the Righteoufnefs of God ; yet thefe Benefits are not founded, and conveyed meer!y from our Relation to his Perfon, abflraCl:edly confidered from his Redemption; as ifthat Relation to,and Union with his Perfon, could have produced, or procured thefe Redemp:ion– Bleilings, as I fiile them, without a Superadditional Merit acquired, over and above, and betide that of the lnterefl ofhis Perfon, CHAP~