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and M Son !fefus Chrifl. "-..1\...r'l Chap. lO. -----------------------------------------~ C .HA P. X. Ho'f!J all rhings depend on Chrifl, God-Man; and 'f!Jhat Influence he bath into them; further pro-ved and illu~rated, by that Text in Col. 1. 16. Some Cautiom· premifed for the underfianding it aright. T.:Vhat is meantby thofr Exprefsions, In Him andby Him are all Things. ' ·· · · Col. t. t6. For by him mere all Things created that are i11 Hea-ven, and that are in Earth. -vijible and in-viftble, t~hether they be Thrones, or DominiorlS, or Principalities, or Potvers : All TJ,ings were created by him, m1d for him. NOW is to fucceed that other Title of Glories, due to our Lord Chrifr, confidered as God-Man, namely, in his Relation unto the Works and Counfels of God, and the influence be bath into them, the dependance they all have, either al.tually or virtually, upon that perfonal Union of the Son of God with our Nature ; and this is the fecond Thing in order in . the Text, or a fecond Crown of Glory, which our Apoflle here fetteth upon our Lord's Head, (who is yet moreover, above, and befides all this) an Head unto his Church, CN. as verf 18. That thefe Things here are fpoken of him as God-Man, and not as Second Per(on only, I lbewed in the firfl: Chapter of this Book, in the latter part of it, wherein I opened and forted the Particulars of this Text, into their due method. The only difficulty that here occurs, ( e're we proceed any further) is, That feeing the Son of God did not affume that Man Jefus into one Perfon with .him– felf, until 4000 Years after the Creation ; how can the Work of the Creation be attributed to him, confidered as God-Man, that by hi"' aU Thing I were crea– ted ? And fo, why lbould it not fl:ill reil: upon this Account, that by him, fimply confidered as God's Son, and Second Perfon, all Things were made. ' Towards the clearing of this, I call: in thefe enfuing Particulars. I. That there isa double Influence which Caufes have into Etfel.ts; one Jlir– twt!, the other At:fual. Not to infl:ance in other Caufes, ( if any fi1ch like to this might be found); it will be enough to give a parallel-Jnfl:ance in Chrifl: him– fdf, wbofe Al.tions performed by him, when come in the Flelb, had yet a vir1;1<11 ;,fluence into many Things that were done long before, either the Al.tual Exifl:ence of him in the Fle!h, or the performance of thole Al.tions ; yea, the virtne whereof reach'd to the beginning of the World : Thus by virtue of his death, Adam, and Eve, and Abraham, and all the Fathers were faved. Not to prove this by Jndul.tion, but by the Lump; Peter having fpokefl of all the Fa– thers under the Old Tefl:ament; A{JI i ;. in the Jail: words of verf. 1o. immediately