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and hi8 Son !fcfus Cl:wifl. Redemption ot dying for us, adds no new degree of eifemial Power to God· ~ or the Holy Ghofl, whereby to enable \)im to fanctify us, as if elre he wanted Chap. I O. Power to do it. No; And yet we fay, as to the exetring or putting forth that~ Power, th1t it depends morally on Chrifl's having died, as without which it would not have been put forth; as alfo for that hts Death purchafed the Power, and alfo the Mercy that was in God, to have it demonflrated, in raiGng up Men dead in Sins and Trefpaifes; and fo we fay it is to be attributed to his Death and Refurrection virtually, which alfo the Scripture affirms, Phi!. 3· 10. Th~t I may kpow him, and the Power of his Rejimet1ion, and the Fellowfbip of hiS SuffiringJ, being made conformable 111110 his Death. . . . 2. As to the Point in hand : I aifert not neither, fo high and fo great a de, pendance of this Creating-Power upon the Perfonal Union, as is of fanctifying us upon Chri!l:'s Redemption, for by his Death he ptircha(ed that Power. But fo it is not here, as if that his undertaking to a!fume Man's Nature, had pur– chafed this putting forth God's Power to create; but the. dependance thereon refers to God's Will : and fo is ex Hypotheji, that he would otherwife never have gone about to create, he would never have been pleafed with any Crea– ture, or all Creatures, he could have made without this; and fo in him, and from him, as fo conltdered it was, that God condefcended thereunto, as the Reafons of this Point annexed to the proof of it, will give the account o£ 3· When this is attributed to Chri!l:, as God-Man; it is not exclul!vely to be underfl:ood, as if as Second Perfon, he did not concur to create as well as the Father, and the Holy Ghofl:, becaufe he virtually concurred as God-Man. No; for look as in Redemption, the Son, as Second Perfon, concurs as well as the Father and the Spirit, as it is one Act in·common of the three Perfons, yet fo as over and above Chrifl, as God-Man in one Perfon, cloth in efpecial effect it: So here in Creation, he bath, ov·er and above his common Concurrence as Se– cond Perfon, in this," and all Works elfe, a fpecial Honour attributed to him, as God-Man, from his virtual Hand in it. Ill. It will much conduce to the right frating of this Point, as I aifert it, to take notice of the Aberrations from, and yet dark Gropings after this Truth. 1. .A'rri111, he would have €brill: to have been a great Creature in the Form of God, and as a God by Office, and like unto him in all Things, exi!l:ing afore the World was, as the Medium or Means by whom God made all Things, and that without the intervention of fuch an Immenfe and Divine Creature, he S"'Rivetil>. would not immediately himfelf have created any thing. But then Arrius withal Gen. denied that this Chri!l: was alfo God eifentially, and of the Sub!l:ance of his Father, and fo afferted him to be but a meer Creature. 2. Others of late have in like manner thus endeavoured to fet out the Perfon of Chri(\ to us ; that he was put forth by God out of himfelf a meer Creature, and under the Covenant of Works; yet fo, as in his Perfon he was the Spirit, the feminal or prolifique Virtue of all the Creatures that could, or fhould be made, being the whole Mafs of what God had in him to afford to make Crea– tures out of, di!l:inct from himfelf; as Man bath to afford, what, if let out of himfelf, is the Foundation or Matter of a Son, or Children from him : and that this great Son of his, thus put forth, finding himfelf di!l:.inct from God now put forth, and fo as a meer Creature mutable, as under .the Covenant of Works, as all are by the Law of Creation, and that fo he would die and perifh, if he re– mained alone and thus out of God; he therefore, by the fi1pernarural Gui– dance, and impulfe of God, willingly died to that Creaturefhip, and the State and Condition thereof, and giving that up to an Onenefs with God in Spirit, he rofe and afcended up to a Being in the Form of God, and one with God in Spirit ; and in this refpel.l: was termed, the Lamb flain from the beginning of th~ World; and then did create, as God, and as being in the Form of God, and put forth Angels, and this World, and all Things our o! ·himfelf, and thereby is become the Head of tfre Fitfl Creation : arid by his appearing in Flefh, iq that