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and biN Son fefus Chrifi. 179 illuflrate this highefl Work of all by their feveral Subordination thereunto, in "-A...'l their feveral Ranks and Orders. Chap. to. It is flrange, that in the Text there lhould be three Phrafes ufed concerning ~ the Creation, in relation unto Chrifl : The Creatures are laid to be created in · him, and created by him, and created for him. In him, as a Head, they are not; the Creatures cannot be laid to be created, as the EleCI: are laid to be chofen in him, that's proper to thole Creatures that are homogeneal to him. In him, therefore may well be underflood virtually, as in Ephef. 2. ro. we are faid to be his Workmanfhip, created in bi11t to good Works; fo the old Creation is alfo in him in a virtual refpeCt. That place in 'Prov. 8. 30. I was brought up with him ( !peaking of Wifdom ) ; I remem– ber ]rmi111 tranOates it aCI:ively, Educat; I was he that did fofler the Creatures, he did fofler the Purpofes of God in the Creation of the World ; he was Ed"cans, nurGng up, and foflering of the old Creation in his purpofe. In Ephef 3· 9· the Apoflle faith, that it was given to him to preach the unfearch– able Riches of Chrifl, and to make all Men fee what is the Fellowfhip of the Myfiery, which from the beginning of the World bath been hid in God, who (faith he) created aU Things by Jefus Chrifl. He fpeaks of the My!1ery of the Gofpel. Now that Jefus Chrift was the Founder of the Gofpel, that was apparently known, it was in all Mens Eyes ; but he addeth, by the fame Je– fus Chrifl he created all Things, that is, by Jefus Chrifr, as anointed God– Man; and to me the words come in thus, (for it is an addition by the way) that though the Gofpel only began to reveal this Chrifl, and he did not affume Man's Nature till the Times of the Gofpel, and for Evangelfcal Ends and Pur– pofes, for the Redemption of Man took frail Flefh ; yet, faith he, know this, the World was beholden to him for its Creation ; and this is one Glory of his that is not to be laid aGde; and the Revelation of it faith, He is by the Gofpel. He brings itin h~re with the other, that Chrifr might have all his Revenues of Glory ( whtch m the 8th Verfe had been frtled Hn Rrrhes) come m toge– ther. Aa:r. CHAP;