Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

180 ~ BooK Ill. Of the JV!orvledg of (jod the Father, ~------------------------·--------------------- CHAP. XI. That Chrifl as God-Man is the Creator of all Things, proiJed by Scriptures. The firft Proof out of the former Text reaJ!umed. 1 Cor. 8. 6. By whom are all Things. Some further E_xplanation hoTP ·th/8 i& attributed to him a.r God-Man, in .dnfrvers to fame fl!!eries concerning it. I All edge in the firfl: Place, that preliminary Text, I took of 1 Cor. 8. 6. Shewing thereout, That the One God, had let up Chrtfl: as the One Lord under Himftlf, ~ Lord unto all his Creatures. I then proved that Title of Lordjbip there giVen him, was not meant ofhis natural Lordjb1p, as he if God, or fingly as Second Perfon, but as God-Man. For evidence of which, I mufr refer the Reader thither. That particular Improvement which I now make ofthat Paffage in that Scrip– ture, By him are allThingJ, is to let it in the Front to the refl: of Scriptures that follow, to lead on to the proofofthe Point in Hand, founded upon this. That if this Title of [One Lord] be given him as God-Man, and in refpea of an Office he fufl:ains afore God, as was there proved, the Inference is ll:rong, That then he waJ .s jitch, fii:ft and chiefly fore/aid in God'J Dejigm and everlafling Purpofes, as a Midfl: or Foundation unto .ALL, as upon whom All ThingJ in common for Creation, and we in fpecial for our Supernatural Efl:ate, had a de– pendance, and not meerly as Second Perfon, And it is ofA!JThing1 as well as of the State ofthe Elect. For, 1. IfAll ThingJ be by Him, as the Lord; then he, under God, is a Founder of them, as the Lord of them. For that which is by another, mull: needs be ac– knowledged as fuch, to be before that other. Nor isit f:lid only, That all are for Him, as ifin that relpecr only, he were their Lord, (which yet is true) as .Adam, his Type, was Lord ofall the vifible World, and yet theWorld was not by him : But here, he is fuch a Lord, as by whom, or thr011gh whom all Thinp are. And not only ofthem when they once are, but through whom they are,and have their Being: And fo he is their Fmmder as well as their End. ·Nor is he laid fim– ply to be Lord of All, as Af11 10. 36. and Lord over All, Rom. 10. 12. But here it is fimher, One Lord by who,;z All. 2. It is as indifferently fpoken ofHim, That All Thing1 are by him aJ One !Jrd, as that We (the Church) are by him. Now all will, and do acknowledg, that We, and all that belongs unto our Salvation, do and doth depend on him as God-Man, and as our Lord ; and that that is the intent of that Speech, in that fame 1 Cor. 8. 6. .And 7VC by him: In that refpeCl: therefore, in their kind and proportion, all Things elfe; for both are there fet together and yoaked in one and like Paralkl Expreflion. 3· And indeed, 3dly, The Dependance ofall Things on him, meerly as God, and Second Perfon, is afore included in that preceding Speech: There is One God, the Father, of wf.wn are all ThingJ. And Chrifl:, confidered as Second Per– Ion, is one God with the Father ; as our Divines upon this Place do affirm, againfl the Socinia11 Objection. And the Father is fet for the other two Perfons, both the Son and Spirit; as in '}oh. 1 7· 3· And thi1 iJ Lift Eternal, that they might k.!1o>v tlee tf.·eonly tme God, and '}ejiu Chrijl whomtho11 haft font, And here the Son