Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the l(.noTI?ledg, of (jod the Father~ ~could not be partaker of it, as his Perfonal Priviledge by virtue of that Union, B~ or have a virtual influence thereunto, as well as God. And to put an end to that L Controverfy ; Chrill: gives this real Demonflration of it, v. 9, & 1I. Wtether i.r it e,yier to JIJ, Th)' Sins are forgiven thee; or to foy,_Arife,tak§ 11p thy Bed, and walk,? B11t that ;e may lznow, [THE SON OF .JJ1 AN J bath power 011 Earth to forgive Sms. Yea, Chrill:, as God-Man, cloth greater Works every day than create Worlds: He creates new Creatures, and ~hereby caufeth all old things to pafi awa)', and 1tll thing1 'o become new. And he ~Jll create new Hetwen;, and a new Earth; and change our yile Bodies, that the; may be fifbioned lik§ 11nto hi< glorioM Body, ac– cording to the wor/,.jng ofhi< mighty Power, whereby he i< able even to Jitbdue all things 11nto hiw':ftlf Phi!. 3· 11ft. Which are all fpokec of Chrill: as God-Man, even Him whom viGbly we loolzfor from Heaven, as it is there in the verfe afore. Anfw. 3- Nor are thefe things attributed to Him meerly by way of commu– nication ofProperties; whereby what is proper only to the Divine Nature fing– ly as God, is attributed to the Manhood; but thefe all by way of influence and virtual efficacy are attributed to him as God-Man, as truly as the Works of Re– demption, Mediation, and Forgivenefs ofSins, all which are ftC11ndllm 11tramque Nat11ram attributed to Chrill:, in refpeCl: of both his Humane and Divine Natures, as we affirm again!! the Papilts. .Anfw. 4· To affirm this, is (as not any of thofe other afore-mentioned) no way derogatory unto God. It is proper indeed to God to create by his own foie Power originally, all the eflential Power is fole!y his, and the Man Jefus can add nothing of Power thereunto; yet derivatively the Perfon ofthe Son as God– Man, may be and was impowered thereto, over ahd above what fimply as God and fecond Perfon, his Power was for: As by way of difference it is faid, .All things are by Him as Lord: But of God, That All # [ofHim. J Anfw. 5· Nor is it true, that the foie foundation or rife of God's being Lord over all, is, That he is Maker ofall things; and that therefore this is peculiar to God as God : For he was Lord over all before they wtre made, in that he could make them, &c. His Lordfhip as God, is founded on a Sovereignty in himfdf; · And accordingly dorh learned C•meron fpeak upon this occafion ofChrill:hirnfelf; DoiJJinium illud effentiale, &c. This ejfential D ominion (namely M God) belongs 1101 Otdy to Chrijl, for the cm':ft or gro11nd that he is the Creator ofall things, b11t 11pon that height and Sovereignty of the Divine Natiii"C; which isJitch, and fo high and lofty in kjnd above that ofall the Creat11res, That altho11gh the World had not bem tnade by him, (1vbirh Jet we cannot fo m11ch M feign the Jitpp,yition of) He had )'et been the Lord ofall things, namely M God. :!j_l_tery 2. That feeing be exill:cd not as Man at the Creation, nor until four thoufand years thence after; ag alfo by 'Peter, the lirll: date of his being made Lord, as God-Man, is made upon his AfcenGon into Heaven, Alfs 2. v. 34, j6. How then can his having created All, be afcribed unto him as God-Man, the Lord? {- Anfiv. 1. This hinders not hisvirtuallnfluence (as God-Man) into the Work ofCreation, no more than his not having exill:ed as Man, did hinder his virtual Influence (and that as God-Man) into th_e Work of Redemption all along un– der the Old Tell:ament, Ill wht~h Chr~f!JS fo often fliled the 'J?..edeemer. And further; By the C1me R.eafon ( tf thts Allegatton fhonld avail ) he fhould not have been made [the Chrifl] no more than the L ord neither, until he had afcend– ed ; for both are there equally joined, Him bath God made [both Lord and Chrijl J: But as Chrill:, and Jefus alfo, he is the fome Tejlerday, in the Old Te– flament ; and to Day, in the New, as well afore his Afcenfion as after, and for ever, Heb.13. 8. and therefore as Lord alfo. .Anfiv. 2. The actual execution by the Man Jcfus, (He now actually exifling as fuch) was indeed firfl more openly and publickly entred upon, and mani– fel1ly declared before Angt!s and Men, upon his Afcenlion ; but was afore fe– cretly executed and performed (in all the Works and Parts belonging to it) by the Son of God, who was the Per(on then exill:ing ; and yet not as then by h1m