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and his Son !fefus Chr'ifl. him, as fingly confidered, as meerly Second Perfon, but as havin_g been appoin- ~ ted and commiffionated thereto by the Three Perfons m Gods Decrees, and Chap. 1 I. himfelf having alfo undertake~ to be Man, and there~ith he fufraining . that ~ Perfonage, he performed and 1!fued forth all Acts afore h1s Father,fob eo nomine: obferve how the fecond of _the AC!s [peaks, Let all the Hottfe of Ifrael " aJ!it.- redly, (by this open and v1fible Demonfrracwn giVen) that God bath made that fi""' Jefll! whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Chrift. .Anfw. 3· Nor cloth he fay, that when he afcended, (the vifible Effects of which, ye now fee and hear, fays he, verf. 23. were the Evidence for this, that God l)ad made him Chrifi, and Lord; which EffeL1:s the ApoOle refers them there unto ) that then firfr, God made him the Lord, and Chrifr, or that then firfr he had entroo upon that Office; but he produceth it as an undeniable Te!l:imony; that God bath made him fo, &c. and that he wa< the Prrfon, whom God had made; but when firfr made, is not there faid. .Anfw. 4· Thofe words [bath made J do as.well, and as effeL1:ually fpeak, and involv'l, hi~ having been appointed to it, as no;v to note out the aL1:ual exe– cution of it 1 by the Man as actually afcended. .Appointed is put to exprefs be– ing m,ade, and ~ co11tra: So Heb.3. 2. treats ofChrifr; He WM faithJHlto hi1n that [ •)?pointed him; the Greek is, that made hint J: And his being appointed Lord, will allow us, and fend us to an higher Date, even to afore the Creation, yea, even to Eternity-; Heb. I. 2. God bath in theft !aft Days JPoAen unto 111 by hi< Son, whom he .hath appointed Heir of aU Things, by whom alfo he made the Worlds. The Subject of thefe Elegies, is not fingly the Second Perfon, but the whole of Chrifr as now made Man, and by whom he had now in the !aft Days JPo~n to "' as fuch. And yet, becaufe he had [aid, That in the !aft Days this was done, and not till then ; to preoccupate the very tame Objection we have been an!\ver– jng, he goes on, Whom he hath appoi11ted Heir of aU Things, &c. As if he had faid, Although our Chrifr, as Man,_aL1:ually exifred not untill 4000 Years after the Creation, (at which Reriod it was the lafr Days began, or perhaps rather at his Afcenfion); yet he was long afore that appointed the Heir, that is, Lord of all Thing< that were fo long aL1:ually extant afore him as Man; yea, he was fo appointed long before the very Creation of them; and therefore he fets this hi< being appointed firfr, and afore that of their Creation, [ by whom alfo he made the Worlds J.; yea, and becaufe as God-~an he was appointed the Lord of them, therefore it was ~lfo, that God commiffionated him to make · them, as being confidered God-Man, to make his Title of Lordfhip, even as Son of Man, pro– per and direfr, and adequately full to him. So then, God appointing him to all this, and the Son .of God then exifring, and confeming to, and taking this Office of Lord on him, and Perfon of God-Man, and Chrifl: atling accordingly in all that was done, as the Lord and Heir of all, there needeth no more to verify this we are upon, namely, That M God-Man he made the Worlds, and vir– tua/11 as Man, as w,e/1 M e.fficimtly both as God and Man, in the fenfe it hath beeri explained in. CHAP~ •t