Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~ BooKlll. Of the IY!o'17Pledg of (jod the Father, ~ ------------~-------------------------------- CHAP. XII. .That [hrifl, as God-Man, i8 the Creator of all Things, pro-ved from John I. I, 2, 3· lVhether, ' My&, tbe W 0 R D, ~mpor~ ~at _as the Seco~d 'fer[on, e~ifling 11& {jod '17Pzth (jod, m the 'Begmmng, fa 'n?zthal connotating that 'Perfon, as fuflaining, before God. the Perfonage of God-Man, by '17Phom a& fucb aU Things "/7Pere created. An Interpretation of Prov, 8. from Verf. 22, to 32. '17Pith a 'Parallel betPYeen that Scripture, and thi8 of John 1, 1. 2, 3· a brief Expojition of the fi'dl Chapter of John, continued unto the 14th Verfe. JoHN 1. Verf. t, 2, 3· !11 tf,e beginning wa& the Word, and tf>e Word 1/Ja& wit/, God, and the Word 1/JM God. The fame wa& in the begi1mi1!g with god. All 77Jings were made by him, and withom him wa& 110t a1ry 1hil!g made tl>at wa& made. I N the profecution of this Affertion of Chrift ( as God-Man) his being in{humental to all God's Purpofes, and Decrees, and Works; as namely, the Creation, Providence, 6-c. I !ball further add what the fore-part of this Chapter, which fpeaks of the Creation by him, under the Title of the Word, may contribute hereunto : Wherein it will be meet to enquire, Whether that T itle, tbe Word, be to be underfiood of him, meerly as Second Perfon, or al(o as bearing the Perfonage of God-Man. In difcourling of the Perfon of our Lord Chrill, I fell upon that Title of his, whereby 'John here ftiles him the Word: and then difcourfed, how it im– ported, both his being, r. T he Image of God the Father, which he is as Second Perfon. 2 . T he Image, the Manifeftation of God unto us in an Humane Nature. . Which two are fuitably conlifient ; the Word in both thofe Tongues the Scripture was written in, fignifying the inward Image, or Conceptus ofthe Mind fi·amed withio it fd f, and alfo that which is uttered in Speech, which is the truell Interpretation or Index of the Mind, and the mofl: immediate lively Image and Manifefl: of what the Mind conceives within it felf, to others. Many of our Modern Proteftant Divines, have (as I then obferved) alto– gether declined the firfl: fenfe, and betaken themfelves to the latter, namely, That Chrifl: iscalled the Word, as in relation to his being manifelled in an Hu– mane Nature, and therein to manifeft the whole of God unto us; for as mani– fdled in our Nature, it was only, that he was to manifeft God to us. In the Old Tefl:amcnt, bcfides thole other Titles of Shiloh, Meffiah, So, of God, The Seed of the Wo"'""• Adonai, I he Lord, &c. this, of his being the Word, was known