Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

i:lnd M Son !fijur [brift. known and ufed among the Jews ; Nor otherwife, had the Greek Sept11agint (o ~'-""'' often ufed it when Chri£1: was fpoken of, naming him oMy;;u-, the Word, as it Chap. I:! . is found the/ have done. That it is nOt appropriated to him only as Son of God, ~ and Second Perfon, is manife£1:, aS in the Difcourfe of the l?erfon of Chri£1: I have !hewn. That in the New Te.ftainent he is £tiled fo, :is Son of God, united to that Humane Nature; and as fuch, is evident from 'Jtev. 19, 13. ..An,d he.wtH clothed with a Jlejlure dipt in Blood, and his Name is caUtd, The Word "f God, For 'ris fpoken, when he came to do Execution as God's Deputy. .. , Now ]oh" gives him that Tit~e here, .long afore he had alfumed it, eveq in the beginning, and at the Creatlon,·.whtchwas the .fir£1: Appearance, or Mani, fdl:ation, that can be fuppofed of htm, feemg Creanon was the fir(l: of.Works God himfelf ever did act of himfel£ What I have commented from thole other former Scriptures, bath put me upona further Enquiry, viz. Wlwthe~ the Title be not given him then, in refpect of God's having fet him up; and himfelf un– dertaken, and as then aCting the Perfon of God-Man, (in th,e fenfe hitherto driven ) one day actually to take Fle!h ; but in the mean time, under the Name of the Word performing this part; I proceed-to it by degrees., 1. It feems fair to me, that if he be thus termed the Word, afrer the affumpti– on of our Nature, and as acting in it; why !hould not his being termed the Word before his Incarnation by ]ohn, have relation to his undertaking that Of– fice or Perfon afore ? Now 'tis evident, that he is termed the Word of God in this fenfe, as fubfi(l:ing in an Humane Nature, and therein executing the Decrees and Counfels of God, as King of his Church and Nations ; thus expreOy; Rev; 19. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. .And I Jaw Heaven opmed, and behold, a·white Horft, and he that fate 11pon him, wa< caUed Faith[HI and True, and in Righteoufnef he doth j«dg and mak§ War. Hi.r Eyes were a< a flame of Fire, and on his Head IJ>ere many Cr1111>111, and be had aMum written, that no Man /,pew b11t he himfelf And he WIH clothed with a fl'ejlure dipt in Blood, and his Name is called, ~be tll{OJlJ Of ®on. And the Arnties which were in Heaven, follm~ed him 11pon white Horjis, clo– thed in fine Linnen, white and clean. And 0111 of his Mouth goeth a foarp Sword, that with it he fbould .(mite the Nations; and he fhaU r~~le thm with a Rod ofIron; and he treadeth theWine-prefs of the fercenefs and wrath of Almighty God. And he bath on his Veft"rc, and on his Thigh, a Name written, li\iii!J of li\in!Jll, ann lL01n of lLO!'O~. And we know alfo, that he acted virtually as Man, afore he came into the World as Mediator, and fo as God-Man, and appeared as a Man 5 for in fuch an appearance, he the Angel of the Covenant converfed with the Fathers; for the Angels that came into Sodom, the Inhabitants tOok for Men. Among the Jews alfo that Stile of the Word, as that ofWiJdom, Prov.8. (which is all one) was the ufual Title taken up among them, to exprefs the Mediator by; It was the Name he was called and known by as fuch. One eminent Evi– dence of this, is that of the Chaldee Paraphra£1:, who bath en£1:1led him the Word, as Mediator; and thereof as God-Man in the Paraphrafe and TranOa– tion of that Promife made to .Ahraham, Gen. 22. 15, 16. 'By my ftlf have I Jworn, in blejfing I wiU bleji thee; and in thy Seed fha/1 aU the 7'(ations of the Earth be b!effed. The Chaldec turns it, By my Word have I fworn. Now com– pare with it, Heb. 6. 17. the Apo(l:le's paraphrafe on that Oath, is this; his ~vords in ~he Original import, That God did intermediate by Oath; the Margin tt felf vanes tt, [ interpoftd J : So then, put both together, the Effect is this, That God, in making the Promife to Abraham, fwore by that Word of his, his Son, that was to be the Mediator and Interpofer, &c. to make that Oath good through his interpofition; who being one in Effence with God, God is there– fore alfo faid to fwear by himfel£ Or perhaps, rather thus, That the Son of God being that Perfon that appeared to the Fathers, did fwear by himfelf, as to become the Word, and by Oath undertook to mediate; and to that end to be– come, os Heb. 2. 16. the Seed of .Abrahant, and to blels that Nation. But fhll, out of either fenfe, is collected this, That Chri£1: as Mediator is the Word. Secondly; At other times he is fpoken of as Mediator, (and fo God-Man ) under that Title : So in that great Promife to AbrahafJt, God interpofed by his Word: So to David, for hisWords fake (as Daniel, C!Jap:9. 17. for the Lord's B'b' fake);