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and bi.r Son !fe[us Chrifl. f..<·erable to his Place of God-~lan, as his Due; yet he never fhewed it (fays ~ the Evangelilt) to us, but once, ~nd that wag when_ he was transfigured; ~ at which fi me we jdtv hi< Glory, 1/a1th the Apoltle) m that Nature fuch as could be in none, but theonly begotten Son of God ' Which_ 'Peter alfo brings as an Evidence ofhis being the Son of God ; as John hkewtfe here cloth, who was al[o an Eye-Witnefs of it. The Glory of EliM and dl1ofes was not fuch; for they l:tw theirs at the fame Time; but this was fo tranlcendent as they could ca!ily difcern with Difference, this t~ be the Glory of God's only begotten! and fo to differ from that of them ; as the Glortous Lultre of the Sun, in comparifon of Idler Stars. And though Chri!l: always manife!l:ed not fuch a Glory (and indeed but once); yet he always fhewed himfelf full of Grace and Tmth, fays he, in all his Converfe with us. F11fl of Tmth, namely, in thofe glorious R.evelations of his father made by him, verf. 18. A11d fit!l of Grare; that is Holincfs, even a Holinefs tranfcending Adam's, or any Creature's. Nei· ther was this Fulnefs a plenitudo Vajis ftd Fonti!, and a fulnefs to be communi" cared to Men; For lo, we aU have received of hi! Fulnefl, and Grace for Grace. He prefents all the Apoftles as coming from a Dole,with their Laps filled with Grace, fo to encourage others ro go to Chri!l:. Afterwards in the 17th Verle, comparing him with Mofes, he oppofeth Grace and Tmth, to the Lawof lvlofes: And then by [Truth] there, he means, that Chri!l: was not a Figure, as the Law was, but the Subltance of all Types. So Heb. I O. I. Where Verum non opponitur fo/fo, fed ji'gur«: And he is there called Tmth, becaufe he made good the Covenant and Promiles, which the Law did not. Thus 'R,__om. I 5· 8. He was a Minifler of the Tmth ofGod to confirm the Promifes. And then he is fit!! ofGrace too, which the Law was not, That had neither Jultifying nor Sanctifying Grace annexed, . but Chrilt had both. And 3· When the Days ofhis flefh are over,(as now in Heaven they are)then the fame Job" leeing him in the Vifion of a Glorious Conqueror, . and coming and appearmg at la!l: to de!l:roy all the Enemtes ofthe Church: and bringigg in the thoufand Years. Then he appears as o My@-. Again, Rev.19. and accord· ing to the Glory he bad from everla!l:ing in God's Defignment and Repute. R.ev. 19. I I, 12, Ij. .And I Jaw Heaven opened, and behold, a white Horfe; and he that jdte 11pon hinJ was called Faithfid and Tr11e, a>Jd in Righteo~tfoefl he doth j11dg and maR§ War. His Eyes were Ma Flame of Fire, and on his Head were many Crowns; and he had a Name written that no Man k._new but /Je himftlf: .And he wM clothed with a Vejlure dipt in Blood : and his Name is called, The Word of God. I fhall now proceed in a briefExpofition of the following Verfes of this fir!l: Chaptet of John, unto verf. I4, as they relate unto the WORD; what follows inverf. 4- is to be underfl:ood in the fame Coherence and Dependance with the other ofChri!l: as God-Man. Verf. 4- In him wa< Life, and the Life WM the Light of Men. . The Evangelifl: defcends from the Creation in Genenii, unto the giving of L1fe, both ofReafon and Holmefs, unto Men, at thetr fir!l: Creauon, whiles they were in Innocenty. fir!l:, [In him wa< Life.] He (peaks ndt oftbat E!fential Life in himfelf: For that which follows in the next Words, where he calls him the Life, is fo to be under!l:ood. But when here he fays [in him was Life,] the meaning is, he wa~ a Fountain of Life to us, being fir!l: Life in himfel£ It is one Attribute ofCbri!l:'s as he is God-Man, yea as he is Man taken up into that Union, to have Life in– dependently in himfelf, even as God the Father bath; lob. 5· 26. For as the Fa– iher hath Life in Himjilf; fa hath he given to the Son to have Life in Himftlf; and therefore he is calleCI the Life; namely, to himfelf fir!l:: and fo in Him is Life, for us. Cc Secondly,